the Rift

[OPEN] Canon [Announcements]
Ascended Helovian

Gaucho The Wildfire Posts: 1,004
Deceased atk: 8.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.2 :: 12 HP: 85 | Buff: PINNACLE
Mara :: Black Mamba Snake :: Paralyze & Vorsa :: Plain Zephyr :: Phoenix Odd
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if this is to end in fire


then we should all burn together

His attention hadn't been upon Ampere - couldn't have been. This was one meeting, even with Sohalia's presence, that he couldn't be distracted for. So even as the blue landed, Gaucho's stormy gaze had remained averted. At least ... until it couldn't anymore. At the flurry of her wings his focus was pulled to her, drawn easily by familiar forces that wanted nothing more than to hold her in his gaze. Their bodies had intermingled not so long ago that he didn't remember with near perfect precision the scent of her sweat and the felling of her body violently protesting his own. But this was different. He had to be different. For the herd.

His face was a mix of amusement and annoyance. Ampere was never one to accept what he did without comment. That was both he admired and utterly hated about her. He felt like stomping his hoof into the sands, or charging into her shoulder to knock her on her ass. A smarter mind might have voiced his dislike as, it isn't what she says, but how she says it. That she had concerns was fine - that she voiced them in such a way that implied Gaucho didn't know what he was doing ... wasn't. Snorting, his ears flickered backwards as he forced himself to reply evenly, and calmly.

"Gaucho go to Basin to do exactly that. He challenge pink spy. She not want to fight. She come on her own - leave her children. Many come to watch her go. No one stop her." At her suggestion that they would come for her, Gaucho sneered and shook his head. "They not come. This fair. She try to take from us - try to steal Tavi and Phaedra. She do things to the dead bodies. She my prisoner until I know why."

His black tail swayed against his barred hocks as his gaze bore into Ampere. How hard could it be to oversee one little pink spy? The girl hardly looked more than a few years old anyhow.

Listening to Buce's defense, Gaucho began to grin. It seemed that he had not received any of Ampere's lectures on companion rights and cruelty. Gaucho hadn't received the full extent of the lecture Ampere probably meant to give him, but he had heard enough from others the general platform she held, even if he didn't quite understand it himself. He had found Mara. If not for him, she would have died on the sands. Hadn't she chosen to remain with him? In his antlers, the steel coloured snake mentally nodded in agreement with his thoughts. Marraa ssssstay. She hissed warmly. Still Gaucho grinned, hoping that Buce's support of capture would lead the Blue onto a tirade against companion cruelty that would direct attention away from him.

Please tag me in every post! Magic/Force is allowed on Gaucho at any time.

Messages In This Thread
Canon [Announcements] - by Gaucho - 12-12-2014, 04:22 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Ampere - 12-13-2014, 12:42 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Bucephalus - 12-13-2014, 10:56 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Gaucho - 12-15-2014, 12:29 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Voodoo - 12-16-2014, 04:54 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Megaera - 12-18-2014, 10:03 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Ampere - 12-19-2014, 02:56 PM
RE: Canon [Announcements] - by Thranduil - 12-19-2014, 11:23 PM

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