the Rift


Odd the doer of things Posts: 115
Administrator atk: 23 | def: 42 | dam: 108
Mare :: Other :: 5"2 :: 27 HP: 108 | Buff: badass
Griffin::Ice Blade

(A)[Light x Wind - His breath has healing properties. When he exhales can heal wounds.]
(U)[Light x Wind - His breath heals wounds as well as illnesses]
Restrictions up to admins
For both of these it would be [earthxwind]

(A)[DarkxWater - The ability to summon acid rain that burns flesh.]
Restrictions up to admins
(U)[Dark x Water - The ability to summon acid rain with more severe effects and a wider radius.]

This is up to date.

Messages In This Thread
Maitimo::Selkie - by Maitimo - 12-20-2014, 03:53 AM
RE: Maitimo::Selkie - by Odd - 12-23-2014, 12:48 PM

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