the Rift

[OPEN] This'll burn [Festival prep]

Hector Posts: 262
Outcast atk: 7 | def: 9.5 | dam: 3.5
Stallion :: Hybrid :: 18.3hh :: 7 Years HP: 63 | Buff: ENDURE
Veci :: Plain Boggart :: Suffocate Dream
No Time for Lies and Empty Fights

With a dutiful nod, Hector regarded the warning given. So many strange things had happened in recent times, and he wondered silently with an almost raised brow just what it all meant. Automatically he likened the worms Gaucho mentioned to the stinking, half rotted corpses which had hunted through Helovia while most hid away underground. Wraiths... he mentioned as a courtesy to his companion, but Veci shrugged, sprawled across the stallion’s spine, deciding whether or not to take on such a form before the imposing male in their company.

"Aye, thank you." He knew Sikeax indeed; the fair girl who had passed him by many times around the oasis, and she who had tempted his liking in the grove west, on patrol. It pleased him to learn of her instalment as Sun Physician, she had spoken of her desire to heal the ranks of the army a long time ago, and thought of such had more than tickled his fancy. A nurse kind on the eye was a treat indeed when a soldier was recovering in the beds of a sterile hospital... "I will seek her out."

There were many he wished to touch base with, but duty came before pleasure.

A large shadow passed across Hector’s position beneath old Dragon’s Blood and curious eyes lifted to find the source of it. A dim, wood-brown Pegasus was circling lower, descending towards him and the Wildfire, though at first he was not certain who it was. The tawny giant certainly did not expect to see feminine warrior Megaera – she had been missing since the Darkness. Perhaps they realised each other at about the same moment; the bar woman’s lips broadened with unmistakable cheer, and likewise, his own smile bloomed right through his marvellously noble expression.

With a deep, resonating tone he answered her greeting. "Meg, the day’s news only grows fonder. Praise the Sun for your safe return also!" Her sinewy frame paled as she nestled herself between the two hulking stallions, but Hector thought well of her ability, and saluted her as he should any other of their ranks – wings lifted to flutter in the winds, tepid breath, and head dipped in show of respect. Together they were a formidable force.

She spoke of two others – one familiar name, one not so, and the soldier’s neat, narrow ears fixed forward with interest. It seemed all who called the desert land home were engrossed in this task Gaucho had alluded to... "Meg, might I join you?" A thoughtful glance passed by the antlered beast and his sleek-scaled companion. Perhaps he would venture by the Threshold and the Island later on – the prospect of labour appealed far more than conversation, and perhaps, with villains apparently on the loose, those working in the Heart could use greater defence.


• Dragon's Throat Rank Experience: Fortify | Level 3
• Permission given for moderate power play, magical influence and damage at all times

Messages In This Thread
This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Gaucho - 12-27-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Hector - 12-27-2014, 04:47 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Gaucho - 12-28-2014, 02:19 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Hector - 12-28-2014, 07:25 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Gaucho - 12-29-2014, 01:53 AM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Megaera - 12-30-2014, 12:57 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Hector - 12-31-2014, 02:06 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Gaucho - 01-01-2015, 02:10 PM
RE: This'll burn [Festival prep] - by Megaera - 01-08-2015, 09:35 PM

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