the Rift

[OPEN] Collecting from BABY DADDY

Morrigan Posts: 93
Hidden Account atk: 4 | def: 7 | dam: 7
Mare :: Equine :: 16 hands :: 7 Orangemoons HP: 63 | Buff: NOVICE
Pongo :: Bongo :: None Xyroca
I had been wandering through sands, merrily minding my own business before screeching cry of an unfamiliar voice echoed across the dunes. Auds pricked to pick up the oh so familiar name of Bucephalus, carried with an icy bite that even made me flinch. Thank God it wasn't me that was being called...But my curiousity grew as I came closer to the owner of the voice, wondering what this mare was angry with Bucephalus for. A roll of my eyes came at the thought, nares flaring with a snort. Perhaps I was not the only one he had quickly put his foot in his mouth with. I just had to see who it was, if I knew her or something, I had to know what she was calling him for. Don't ask me why, and I knew it was probably foolish and something that I would regret, but I could not resist the temptations.

As I crossed over the final dune, Gaucho flew by overhead, only furthering by interest by the fact that he was letting this happen. That seemed quite unlike the large stallion when it came to the members of his herd, perhaps I would understand more when I actually saw who it was. By the time I was able to see the stranger who had yelled for Bucephalus, he was already there. I must not have missed much, and I minded my distance as I watched as the stallion attempt to turn away. Yes, I was being nosey. Yes, I was being an eavesdropper. And yes, I would regret it

The sands carried their voices to me, the clear open air and her rather boistrous voice leaving me with few missed words. The young mare screams at him, auds pricking forward as hers pinned back. 'I'm the bitch you fucked, asshole. Remember, 'best lay of your life?!'. My head jerks back with shock, jaw dropping with a slight gasp, eyes wide as I stared at the pink-winged woman. Had she fallen for his charms? Unable to resist his temptation? She screams that she is pregnant, and my scarlet gaze drops to her well-rounded belly. Self-conciously my head shook with disbelief, yet all of the proof was standing right before me. There was no denying she was pregnant, and with Buce's latest behavoir towards me I had little reason to doubt her story. However, her words were not the ones that upset me. Bucephalus's dark side was revealed once more, and so far, he didn't even know that it was being revealed to me.

Auds pinned back as he sneered at her, pulling my bottom lip into mouth and sharply biting it in order to keep myself from giving a snort and revealing myself. '"I've found that mares get rather...angry if you don't compliment them after a round of fucking." I couldn't have been happier to have ripped out his feathers now, the slight bit of guilt I had been feeling now replaced with what was almost pride. But at that exact moment, I felt utter disgust towards the gold splattered stallion, my heart pulling at itself deep inside my chest. A sense of hollowness washed over me, and I reminded myself that I had no reason to feel this way. I had always known that I couldn't trust the stallion, hell, he had even warned me. Yet there it was, the agonizing, shaking feeling of being betrayed yet again by someone that I never should have put faith into to begin with.

'Thank the Gods, I walked away. I should have known better...'

The thought ran through my mind over and over, repeatedly belittling myself in my head for the emotional turmoil I felt over this stupid son of a bitch. As I continued to listen to him talk about how she begged for it, words such as 'idiot', 'moron', 'dumbass' and 'imbecile' all plagued my thoughts and degraded me to the point where I was missing the last of their words. I was unable to continue listening to their now hushed words, completely unaware of the whispered threats. It wasn't until part of my mane, blown by a gentle breeze, stuck to my cheek that I realized tears had been silently rolling down my face. A last glace was cast towards the pair, specifically towards the ebony stallion, before I turned away with little more noise that a sniffle to try and choke back the tears. I wasn't sure if I had been seen yet by this point, but I didn't really care. With my head held low, I attempted to sneak away without drawing too much attention, leaving the pair to solve their own issues.

'How can I ever trust again?'

OOC: Morri's just popped by, overheard most everything accept when Buce started talking about protecting the foals from Ark trying to kill them. And now she's out. Carry on xD
[Image: spiderglowingsoftly_by_schwartze-d82gn7s.gif]

Verbal/Physical Abuse permitted, no permanently injuring or killing please.

Messages In This Thread
Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Arvakl - 12-25-2014, 07:29 PM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Gaucho - 12-25-2014, 10:33 PM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Bucephalus - 12-27-2014, 10:55 PM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Arvakl - 01-01-2015, 12:38 AM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Bucephalus - 01-01-2015, 12:36 PM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Arvakl - 01-01-2015, 02:50 PM
RE: Collecting from BABY DADDY - by Morrigan - 01-01-2015, 05:24 PM

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