the Rift

[PRIVATE] Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker.

Glacia Posts: 111
Aurora Basin Medic atk: 4.0 | def: 8.0 | dam: 6.5
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16.3 :: 4 Years HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Name :: Snowy Owl :: None Nessie

Words softly fell through the air, and glacial eyes watch the lips of the varnished beauty, as they curve slowly into an amused grin. An ear slowly pricks up in faint interest in the flowing words coming from her. Blue eyes roll over to look in a different direction, and my head tilts as I muse over her words. A rotten red pig... They run through my mind slowly, mulling over them before the eyes move back to the varnish mare, a molted grin gracing pretty young features. "I can't deny that it fits." The tilted head straightens as a small strain of giggles echos eerily in the arch.

The next words are a threat, and my younger equally blue eyes flash in mock anger. "I would like to see that sometime." I state to her, a wry smirk settling on my lips. Threats where great and all, and I am sure she meant every word of the threat she made. I take a few steps closer to the so far unnamed varnished sibling of mine, footsteps echoing in there clip-pity clop manner.

I come to a halt, listening to the next words that flow from her maw. So indeed, this sass master was a sister of mine. Maybe it ran in the family. Who knew what dad was like in his younger days. Was he a sass master as well? Ponder Ponder. Yet, I still hated the pity. Was my whole life to be like this? Pitied because my dead beat dad wasn't in the picture? No wonder my sister was so bitter. Anyway, There are more important things in life than having a father figure. After all, just because your biological dad wasn't there, doesn't mean that you can't have a father. Blood isn't everything in life, and it is high time people got the memo.

However, I supposedly wont be the last of the children. I hope so. I hope that I am the very last. Because not all can handle shit like I can. Right? I handle shit good don't I?

My thoughts are yanked from me as I concentrate once more on the varnished sister, as she asks my name. To give, or not to give, that is the question. As I think this through I am silent, my mind whirring at the possibility's and each situation, until finally that young spinning mind settles on a decision. "I have heard that names are power sister. But I suppose you wont use my pretty name against me, would you?" I pause, for effect before continuing on. "I am Glacia. And since names are often traded for anothers, might I trade for yours?"

"talk talk talk talk "


but the queen has been overthrown

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RE: Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker. - by Glacia - 01-06-2015, 10:20 PM

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