the Rift

[OPEN] how can I be everything they want me to be?

Cera the Golden Prince Posts: 419
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3hh :: 6 Years HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Ilaria :: Red Panda :: Heal Brit

Even in blind eyes, Cera could tell there was no disappointment in his mentor's gaze, no disapproval lingering in the forefront of his mind. Were he of a more emotional type, he likely would have sobbed then and there, though it would have been a rather hysterical sort. No, instead he just felt relief flow through him like an eddy, revitalizing and hopeful. It turned into a whirlpool, a rush of pride that made his head dizzy with the speed of it as Gaucho spoke, gazing upon Cera's creation. His heart beat like war drums, like hooves racing towards battle, like the manic rush of a stampede. He'd made Gaucho proud. He had finally achieved something, even though it had required days of sleepless work and nasty looks from Ranjiri. It was euphoric, like reaching the highest level of heaven. Gaucho's perception of him drove him to do more, be better, and even if it drove him into an early grave he'd never feel regretful.

Warmth spread across his shoulder where Gaucho touched him, and he felt like a livewire, sparking beneath the connection. The smile that spread against his skin was worth more to him than all of Helovia, any title or crown that could be placed upon his head. Gaucho's smile was like currency, like gold and silver and diamonds by the pound. Precious, treasured. Gaucho never forgot him, never left him by the wayside. At times, Cera wished blood was not so permanent. He wished he could garner the same feelings as Gaucho's son, but he had settled and accepted the reality of their situation. Instead, he strove for perfection. Flawlessness. A sheer surface. Until he was like tempered metal, strong and useful. Until he could be Gaucho's shield, carried into battle, protecting the man who had taken up the pedestal of a father and mentor to the prince of the sands.

Still he smiled, even as Gaucho rejected his offer. It was understanding, but loving in a way that Cera could not accurately put into a box. There were no labels for how he loved Gaucho, no boundaries that could not be exceeded. "Yes, it is your quest. But I am here, no matter what you need of me. You do not have to do it alone." Cera would never leave Gaucho to fight a battle alone, be it physical or metaphorical. He was sword and shield to his Sultan, weapons to be utilized. No beast was too strong or weary too heavy for Cera to fight when it came to the Wildfire. They could be alone together, facing the world like ivory statues, pillars for their family. Understanding of each other's ways and plights.

"After Bucephalus was promoted, I might need some help. But I can't promise I won't still do it all myself," he admitted with a sheepish laugh. Mara's hiss drew his attention and he lowered his muzzle to her, breathing warm cloven breath upon her scaled form to assure her he was okay, and certainly appreciated her concern. She was nearly as bad as Ilaria was, he thought to himself with amusement. Then again, they were bonded to two souls who were determined to work themselves into the afterlife, he couldn't blame her worry.


And my momma said that every man is only worth his unbroken word
I am Ceraaaa
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RE: how can I be everything they want me to be? - by Cera - 01-10-2015, 10:43 PM

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