the Rift

[OPEN] We Are Young And Brave

Bucephalus the Morningstar Posts: 292
Hidden Account atk: 7 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.1 :: 6 || Tallsun HP: 67 | Buff: NOVICE
Azeeza :: Orange-breasted Falcon :: None Tribs
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

I remain still(or as still as i can be at any rate) as her gaze rakes over me, assessing. I fight the amusement threatening to curl my lips into a wider smile, especially at her blunt words. Straight to the point; i liked it... although wordplay would have been fun as well. No matter. However, maybe i will get some fun out of this. Won't lie, i am very curious to see how well she could use her words; she was to be the diplomat, after all.

I give a light shrug, head tilting. "What do you think i want?" Answering a question with a question. But i was curious about this fire-filly, and i awaited her response with a tilted head, amusement replaced by neutrality. In my mind i began picking her apart; the way she stood, the look in her eyes, the way her lip curled, and most of all the eyes of her companion. Everything, every little twitch, told just a little of what made up the essence of the being called Tandavi.

But talking generally gave more information than a mental examination. I actually enjoyed this, trying to figure out her personality based solely upon what vague things i overhear and my own seconds-long encounter. It was as if my mind had a new puzzle, a new toy, and was pouring over it with enthusiasm. Gaucho...he had been easy to figure out at first, and gradually my understanding of him as a man was deepening. Everyone had something at their core, some trait that defined them and would forever haunt their steps and decisions.

I was curious to see what shaped the foundation of Tandavi.

"Bucephalus speaks"
"Altan speaks"

Word Count:280 Tags:@[Tandavi] Notes:000

Image by Aud
Coding by Tamme

Pixel by Aud

Messages In This Thread
We Are Young And Brave - by Bucephalus - 01-11-2015, 09:32 PM
RE: We Are Young And Brave - by Tandavi - 01-12-2015, 02:45 AM
RE: We Are Young And Brave - by Bucephalus - 01-13-2015, 07:55 PM
RE: We Are Young And Brave - by Tandavi - 01-15-2015, 01:45 AM
RE: We Are Young And Brave - by Bucephalus - 01-24-2015, 05:35 PM

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