the Rift

When shadows recede

Arrane Posts: 127
Hidden Account
Stallion :: Equine :: 16.2 hh :: 5 years
The young stallion's intrigue and jovial attitude let the smile on Arrane's maw linger even longer. At the mention of the darkness, the boy seemed confused as if trying to piece a large puzzle together. The word sent a shiver along Arrane's spine, but he was slowly healing from the trauma. At least now he could utter the word without stiffening up and preparing for a fight. "Darkness held dominion over these lands a few seasons back, and I had left...but I am back now, for good." Arrane gently spoke, carefully choosing his words. He realized that Kipling was somewhat newer to Helovia.

The gears seemed to be turning in Kipling's head when he was startled by the quiet entrance of the pale mare. A laugh rumbled from the ivory stallion as he saw the youngster wave his hoof as a sign all was good. The energetic adolescent was clearly entertaining to the company. The stream of words that flowed from Kipling broadened Arrane's grin, and reminded him of one of his little sisters from long ago. The thought lingered at the back of his mind, until Kipling broke him from his trance once again. "Hidden Falls?" He questioned. "No, I have never been, or heard of it." His azure eyes shone with curiosity towards the foreign herd name.

The mare watched them both carefully, seeming somewhat galled by Kipling's waterfall of words. Finding the scene before him comical, his mind dispatched once again, as he carefully observed the mare while she focused on Kipling. Arrane tried to pry his eyes off her one, almost feather bared wing, feeling a bubble of anger within him. Intuition gave him the sense that someone had wronged her, and Arrane would not forgive whoever it was, even if she happened to be someone he just met. He would feel the same if it were Kipling, or anyone he happened to stumble upon.

He bent his head once more acknowledging her greeting. She paused once again to see if Kipling had his share of speaking, and smiled as she offered him hospitality. Trailing warm, blue pools in the direction she pointed her wing, he saw the narrow path leading off in the woods. "Yes, I do indeed", he trailed off and bowed again with reverence towards the both of them. He has had far too long of a journey and yearned for a place to call his once more. "Thank you for your kind offer, I will come along as you will," a kindred spirit arose within him, as he asked one last question. "By the way Miss, what is your name?" Arrane felt it only polite to refer to the dappled mare by her birth title.

Word Count: 453

//I'm so sorry for the wait!

Messages In This Thread
When shadows recede - by Arrane - 01-06-2015, 04:55 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Kipling - 01-06-2015, 05:50 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Africa - 01-06-2015, 06:29 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Arrane - 01-12-2015, 08:54 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Kipling - 01-13-2015, 10:48 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Africa - 01-19-2015, 08:58 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Arrane - 01-25-2015, 08:11 PM
RE: When shadows recede - by Kipling - 02-17-2015, 12:02 PM

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