the Rift

[OPEN] The Sound of a Dreamer

Sacre Posts: 274
World's Edge Emissary atk: 5.5 | def: 8.5 | dam: 5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16hh :: 5 Years HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Inari :: Red Fox :: Heal & Ríona :: Common Kitsune :: Electric imi
You said come with me boy,
I want to show you something more.

Sacre drags himself from out of the pretty building at the sound of a stranger’s voice, his young body jumping at the sudden words and he swung his head around wildly to find the mare. Upon initial inspection she was a funny looking Pegasus, the boy had seen many of her kind and all of them were unique in one way or the other. This one was like a flickering fire as he coat mixed together a warm collection of earth and fiery colours. She stood around the same height as him but the feathered appendages that sprouted from her side meant she could go much higher than Sacre ever could. He watches her intently as she drifts over to the river and takes some of its content, Inari peers around one furry leg with beady eyes of curiousity. "Am I that strange? I’m not the one who can fly after all" he laughed with carefree abundance. He’d never been called strange before though the boy often wondered why, given his buoyant disposition. It was only the sound of a ringing bell that dragged his attention away from the warm coated mare to search for the source of the intriguing sound.

He was a fellow kin, a horned stallion that had musical balls attached to his single antler and a cute little animal that looked very much like a miniature deer at his side. It quivered and Inari watched it intently, his instincts playing havoc on his mind as he resists the urge to charge it down, knowing full well that this was also a bonded creature just like himself and not to be harmed. Instead the red vulpine sat back on his haunches and averted his eyes away from the tender thing, watching the others for a time as the dark coloured stallion asks a curious question.

The conversation ensues and Sacre finds himself warming to his new crowd, the boy’s love of finding new friends was well at home in this strange environment. "Rotunda!" He smiles and nods towards the magnificent building "I didn’t get a chance to see it properly the last I was here and so I thought I’d visit again." He answered honestly, the words falling from his lips in musical tones as he happily view the two. The boy didn’t recognize either of them by appearance nor scent and a small bud of intrigue settled on his mind. He dipped his head in gracious greeting and nodded to both in turn "I’m Sacre a crafter of the Dragons Throat. Who are you and" his wild eyes switched to the roan and zoned in on his antlers "why do you have bells hanging from your horn?" he laughed.

@[Kvothe] sorry for the wait!!
Credits: Whit's tables were an inspiration | Coding by Schwartze | Image

There's something wretched about this
Something so precious about this

❚ Force permitted!
❚ Please tag me!

Messages In This Thread
The Sound of a Dreamer - by Sacre - 01-03-2015, 07:37 PM
RE: The Sound of a Dreamer - by Hearth - 01-06-2015, 10:21 PM
RE: The Sound of a Dreamer - by Kvothe - 01-13-2015, 10:48 PM
RE: The Sound of a Dreamer - by Hearth - 01-20-2015, 11:04 AM
RE: The Sound of a Dreamer - by Sacre - 01-29-2015, 08:33 AM
RE: The Sound of a Dreamer - by Hearth - 01-31-2015, 12:17 PM

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