the Rift

[OPEN] don't get too close

Kahlua the Sunshower Posts: 662
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Equine :: 15.3hh :: 9 [Orangemoon] HP: 65 | Buff: NOVICE
Khan :: Common Blue Dragon :: Frost Breath Sevin
Res’ words on the Moon Goddess were the truest that Kahlua had ever known, and the feeling that she had been trying to find words for since she had found out about the Lady Moon. Can’t protect ourselves. Kahlua knew that. She knew it so much that it hurt her- all she wanted to do was keep the little herd she had left safe and happy. Could she lie to them and tell them everything would be alright, when the Moon Goddess would be wandering their lands? The Edge was big, but not that big… they couldn’t avoid her forever.

But, in the moment that Res rushed forward, nothing mattered to the queen anymore. Her friend was there, pressing against her, and the Sunshower pressed her nose and neck and everything else that she had back against her sister. And though Kahlua had yelled at Res, in some ways she knew that Res was right as well. The painted woman could have gone in search of her, could have tried to find her in the shadows or ask her what was wrong when they had been trying to solve the murder mystery. She hadn’t- and in that respect, she had failed in her duties.

Perhaps she had just assumed that Res was strong enough to handle it. As for Quilyan… the queen didn’t even know what to say. Why had he gone? It was a question for the ages, a question that the queen could not answer. Kaj had known the specter better than she had, and if he had given the Stormbringer a reason for his absence, it had not been shared with Kahlua. Res’ tears ran on as she spoke, but Kahlua did not try to stop them. Tears were the best way to express emotion, to get out stress and relieve the pain that built up within. She understood, and she let Res cry and talk, and ask questions that Kahlua would never be able to answer.

In the end, with so many questions presented to her, the queen wasn’t even sure where to start, but she had to start somewhere. So she just said what was in her heart… it was a lot. “I don’t know why he left, Res. I don’t know why he would want to be apart from you. You’re so smart, and I’ve never met someone more loyal to their family. Maybe… Maybe we could talk to Reeni. She might know.” A frown crossed the mare’s lips- another friend that she had been apart from too long.

“I’m sorry Res, I never wanted to let you down like that either. I love you. You’re amazing, and whenever I have problems I know I can come to you for answers.” Managing to laugh just a little bit, she turned her head back towards the scar that remained across her left hip. “Remember when we fixed that?” she asked, knowing of course that Res would. That was the first time they had met, and the last time they had ever called each other stranger. “You haven’t failed anyone. We all just got a little lost along the way. Be our Moon Doctor again… please?” The queen’s blue eyes went back to her friend, begging her to say yes.

“And I don’t know what to do about her, Res. I’ve been thinking about it since I found out. She’s always been so kind to us- She promoted me and Kaj, she gives all of us our powers, she’s given me and the herd more advice than I ever would have thought possible… But then she does this…” She sighed. There was too much here to sort out, and she didn’t even know where to begin. “But you’re right, we have to tell them…”

Permission granted to use magic or physical force with Kahlua at any time
for any reason to any degree, with the exception of killing her.

Please do not tag Kahlua unless it is in an opening post

Messages In This Thread
don't get too close - by Kahlua - 01-26-2015, 04:22 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Resplendence - 01-26-2015, 04:41 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Kahlua - 01-29-2015, 10:28 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Resplendence - 01-30-2015, 09:58 AM
RE: don't get too close - by Kahlua - 01-31-2015, 02:19 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Resplendence - 01-31-2015, 06:30 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Kahlua - 02-01-2015, 12:55 AM
RE: don't get too close - by Resplendence - 02-01-2015, 01:59 AM
RE: don't get too close - by Kahlua - 02-04-2015, 11:44 PM
RE: don't get too close - by Resplendence - 02-05-2015, 10:39 PM

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