the Rift

[PRIVATE] Love Songs & Six Strings [egg finding]

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
The farther along in the pregnancy she got, the more restless Alysanne was feeling. Not only was there the general discomfort, but the sense that this was a terrible, terrible idea was growing. She basically tricked Mikey into siring this foal because she thought it would bring them closer, thought it might solidify the idea that she loved him as much as he loved her.

But he was happy, and she couldn’t complain about that.

Still, it was good to get out of the Edge - to not pretend for a little while - and go exploring. She wasn’t quite ready to go to the Throat and visit Voodoo… but a little walk felt like a great idea.

Little did she know what this walk would lead to when she followed the curve of a brook.

Arty! He was there, in the flesh. Older than the last time she had seen him - it hadn’t been more than a couple season but the changes were evident, he was at that stage - and here. Here in Helovia. Her excitement was a bright flash but before she could complete her next step she was slapped with doubt. He was here but how was he going to react to seeing her? She’d like to think in a happy fashion but nothing seemed to be simple for her lately.

So of course, when the twig snapped underneath her hoof, Alysanne froze. Which was ridiculous! She had been going over to say hello but she hadn’t quite figured out what to say. Delight mingled with guilt and clouded her mind so thoroughly it was a wonder she could even see straight! How wonderful it was to see Arty here, in Helovia (how blessed was she to have both things she loved dearly together!) but how long had he been here? Was he angry with her? Would they ever have the relationship they had when he was still a fuzzy colt with both his parents?

Wishful thinking!

But now time was up and she was going to have to say something. Instinctively, her wings tightened against her swelling sides, feeling embarrassed about her state. She hadn’t been prepared for this - telling everyone else was tricky, telling him? It was impossible! “Arty? Are you…” really here? What a ridiculous question. Of course he was. Why was this so hard? “H-hey sweetie.” All she wanted to do was rush forward and drape him with her wings, hold him close and never let him go again. There was so much she wanted to say - starting with a hundred apologies - but her throat constricted and she couldn’t get anything else out. Emerald eyes not even seeing the egg that lay before him - they wouldn’t move from him. Her son.

everybody heals with love
Image Credit
table by Sevin <3
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[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
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RE: Love Songs & Six Strings [egg finding] - by Alysanne - 02-04-2015, 07:25 PM

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