the Rift

[OPEN] A Raid in the Eyrie

Hertz Posts: 42
Absent Abyss
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3 :: 2 Years :: Birdsong


My adventures were beginning to bore me. I wanted to badly to get off of the Throat and go harass others that didn't worship the Sun as we did, but the fact that I ate so often still was ruining my chances of that. Surely once I was happy with doing more than just gnawing on the stalks of grass then I could skip away happily and meet someone new. Speaking of meeting someone new, that was another thing I was tired of. I wanted to do something other than stand around and talk until I was old and grey, I wanted adventure. But so far it seemed everything I did was a damn meet and greet, even though Isara and Cirrus were the only ones I really cared for after my meetings.
They had both seemed quite interesting, at least more so than the red giant and the black and gold who turned out to be my father. A scowl crossed my navy features as I wondered how I could be related to someone who didn't appreciated Cirrus' beauty. I mean come on old man, the lady looked like the sky!! What was better than that?? I shook my skull roughly as I continued walking out towards the cliffs where all the birds lived, flying wasn't an option for me just yet but one day I would be able to fly with them. For now just watching their flips and tricks through the air would suffice.
It seemed I wasn't the only one here with a desire to watch the birds as I drew closer I watched a bay pegasus land and then spin around to hang off the edge of the cliff! My infantile mind didn't think that maybe the bay was doing this on purpose, for some kind of reason that was unknown to me, instead it switched and instantly I was swearing that the mare was about to fall to her death. Her wings would be unable to catch her and she would meet the horrid fate of crashing into the ocean where she would die. A stain of red in the murky green-blue water would be all that was left. A squeal broke free of my navy stained lips as I raced forwards full speed ahead in the direction of the kneeling bay.
Orange and maroon banded wings struck outwards awkwardly as spindly limbs carried my small frame forwards before leaping into the air where I would hopefully land on the mare and drag her back to safety. I would be a hero! The whole herd would know my name! Hertz the Hero I could hear my name being chanted in the wind as I called out to the mare, just moments before my mass would land on her's, if she hadn't moved already. "Don't worry! I'll save you!!"

"talk talk talk"
Tag;; @[Megaera]
Words;; 481
Notes;; e.e he's a turd

image credit

Messages In This Thread
A Raid in the Eyrie - by Megaera - 02-05-2015, 12:14 AM
RE: A Raid in the Eyrie - by Hertz - 02-05-2015, 03:12 PM
RE: A Raid in the Eyrie - by Megaera - 02-13-2015, 03:09 PM
RE: A Raid in the Eyrie - by Hertz - 02-23-2015, 03:14 PM
RE: A Raid in the Eyrie - by Megaera - 03-07-2015, 09:42 PM
RE: A Raid in the Eyrie - by Hertz - 03-31-2015, 09:51 PM

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