the Rift

[OPEN] Changed Man [rejoining]

Kaj The Aurelight Posts: 381
Hidden Falls Conscript atk: 4.0 | def: 9.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.2hh :: 8 Years 9 Months HP: 69.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Arabella :: Common Zephyr :: Wakiya Brit

Of all the traits Kaj had claimed as his own during the span of his life, quick to anger had never been on the list. Anger was an emotion he did not often indulge in, and it was generally on behalf of others, not directly stemmed from his own plethora of reactions. Yet it simmered in his veins, mingled with disbelief and despair, until he was drunk on the cocktail of his own plentiful emotions. Kaj had never fought with Kahlua, had never engaged in the trading of barbed words and raised voices with the beauty he had loved as long as he could recall. Doing so had drained him, made him feel as useless as he had after his fight with Resplendence. Why was it that he could no longer keep the peace between he and those he loved most? Was he failing? What had he done to incur the wrath of his beloved family, and in such magnitude?

Each massive hoof dragged through the earth, dryer than he recalled. The seasons seemed to change so quickly...was time becoming meaningless to him? Was he becoming old, aged? It certainly felt as if his soul was old and heavy, even when his body was in its prime.

Newly burnt hair rustled in the dry wind, sticking straight up off the crest of his neck. A mohawk given to him by Valiance, one he often forgot he had until the wind caressed his neck a certain way, or he wouldn't catch his longer tresses on various tree branches and foliage. It was a reminder of everything he'd failed to do, all the losses he'd suffered through and wrongs he'd made. His heart was heavy and weary, exhausted with the weight of his neverending sorrows. A thousand tendrils of love spread throughout his life, only for each to become poisoned or severed against his will and desires. Left alone, adrift, in a world he still didn't understand. Would he ever? Or would he continue to suffer, because of his inability to grasp Helovia and her intricacies?

A howl broke the steady thrum of his subconscious thoughts, turning a mighty golden head towards the northern border. For a moment Kaj hesitated, limbs jerking sporadically in the opposite direction, desiring anything but confrontation. But, Kaj was closest. The Edge was a land of massive proportions, it would be simply unfair to leave someone else to the duty when he himself was close at hand. Turning back to the sound, he lifted his head, neck cording and tightening as song burst forth in response from his own lips.

I shall come.

Heavy steps drew him quickly towards the broken remains of the wall, the familiar howl that played on old chords and memories in his head. Yet, the voice that broke the barrier of silence was what tapped into the correct folder for the king. Aaron.

With a stronger, more eager step, the beast advanced upon the borders. Excitement and helpless desire burst like erratic fireworks in his chest. After all this time...had Aaron returned? Kaj burst through the foliage, and there before his eyes was his old Glazier, weathered and weary but alive. "Aaron," he breathed, momentarily frozen in his steps, feeling as if he had gazed into a mirror reflecting the past. Perhaps he could fix this. Perhaps he was not beyond saving.

Racing forth, he paused only to ensure not smacking into the poor paint, but muzzle was thrust in eager desire to reaffirm their relationship. "Welcome home, brother," he grunted happily, eyes reflecting the bright summer skies above. Relieved. Maybe he could redeem himself, if only to one person.

carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done
image credits
table by whit


Messages In This Thread
Changed Man [rejoining] - by Aaron - 02-01-2015, 04:33 AM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Kaj - 02-08-2015, 02:35 AM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Aaron - 02-14-2015, 06:33 PM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Kaj - 02-16-2015, 07:34 PM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Romani - 02-17-2015, 12:53 PM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Resplendence - 02-24-2015, 12:00 AM
RE: Changed Man [rejoining] - by Aaron - 03-19-2015, 10:56 PM

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