the Rift

[OPEN] Hate
Ascended Helovian

Midas the Gallant Posts: 1,164
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 14.3 hh :: Immortal :: Soul is 7 (FF) Buff: HUNTER
Fina :: Common Zephyr :: Phoenix & Wakiya & Neve :: Common Zephyr :: Arctic Angel
Someone's calling; who is it?

Lids creak open, (yet they see nothing of reality, or the one who lingers close at hand) a white room before me. I'm surrounded by a blinding light, it threatens to burst past eyeballs and severe the link between soul and flesh. A voice, tis my own, but not my own. I stare into the eyes of a figure who bore my likeness, yet none of the temperance. An inky smile, both savage and gentle, twists his face in passive mockery. A scream is stifled. His frame doubles over with laughter.

I flinch at the sound of my voice, strangely terrified. He smiles again, that same icy grin of foreboding. "Who are ye?" tone is tight, soft like a child living a nightmare. He merely continues to smile. "For thee fathers sake, speak!" There is a flash of anger in those tempered pools, I flinch, sealing my jaw into a hard line.

"How do you favor this fate?"

Brows crinkle, "Speak words of meaning!" The room vanishes, but the light intensifies, patched legs buckle as the floor gives way to emptiness. Pinions open, catching the air and saving my body from plunging into oblivion. "Have you forgotten?" Eyes widened, a savage sea tumbles below, endless and frothing. Mercifully, that blinding glare is gone; all that stands above is fire and bleak darkness that seemed to be absent even starlight. Horrified, my eyes turn to my mirrored self who was watching the expressions dance across these features with satanic delight.

"Why am I here?"

A whisper meets my demanding tone with sickening softness, "A reminder."

"Of what?"

He glides beside me without the aid of beating wings. Another chilling smile, pink gums curl back into a snarl. Summoning thoughts reach for my armor, intended upon shredding that beam from a false face. Yet, nothing slides forth. No comforting wash of metal plates emerge to offer sheltering protection. Shock eyes glance down to behold bare flesh, steel absent from my neck, along with the amulets and...a feverous sound ignites past these tense lips, "Unnamed demon, return it to me." Teeth glitter pale white in this bleak world. Like bones left to rot. He throws his head back and roars with laughter; a sound that drives my blood to boil...

It ceases as fast as it starts, a soft hiss that was more growl rumbles his chest, "You have far greater concerns than that of a few trinkets and babbles."

This body can hold no longer, I lung, wings spread and jaws open to receive his flesh. Frame soars past his spirited self as if I'd not aimed correctly, and he'd simply fallen to my right. I twist, attempting to follow, in vain trying correct my motion. Again, the attack misses its mark and he is beyond my reach. A furious scream is upon these lips, I quell it and stand fast (hovering above the torrent.)

"I'll kill ye." A promise, lacking real weight.

He frowned, and inclined his head, "I'm already dead. Released by the fool you still call prodigy and son." Cracked lips curve.


The sea fades, gradually.

I'm standing upon reddened sand, a hot sun blazes above -- in the distance I see a painted fellow walking the shade of a magnolia, there is a creamy, gangly lad trailing his wake. Those striking, emerald gems flash with love, admiration.

The image fades to one without the gilden man. Tis night beneath the same magnolia, and that child sleeps alone, tears slither down his pale cheeks. Sorrow evident. Fragile pain untouched. "He is weak, you should have let him die in the desert." Blood rushes to my mouth, I'd bitten my own tongue, "Look how he wallows in pity, a child absent his Ma's tit."

"Silence!" My heart clinches painfully, jaws again part to make sound, but nothing comes forth aside from a groan as darkness descends again.


Another form strides through the darkness, Ktulu. Those crimson eyes are soft, full of passion, yearning. Throat draws taunt, her breath is upon my neck, quivering my flesh; shut eyes to block the image. It does nothing to halt words, "You abandoned me. Couldn't even save your son, nor mine to safety."

"Ascended one. You are better than the god you serve. Undeserving of our daughter."

Ranjiri. Her voice fills the air, "Why did you leave us daddy. Don't you love me?"

Seele. "You could have saved me you know...but you failed, just as you will fail anyone who comes to love you."

Kri. "Midas...what have you done to our family? I trusted you to guide them..."


Cera. "You are not my father. You are a bastard pulling all around you into misery. Curl up and die already."

My lungs feel as though they are full of water, drowning. I fall forward, tears pour from my eyes -- "No more..."

Image Credit
[Image: 5388c9b80fe59]

Messages In This Thread
Hate - by Midas - 02-04-2015, 10:52 PM
RE: Hate - by Africa - 02-11-2015, 05:56 PM
RE: Hate - by Midas - 02-13-2015, 11:01 PM
RE: Hate - by Africa - 03-01-2015, 02:37 PM
RE: Hate - by Midas - 03-03-2015, 11:30 PM

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