the Rift

[OPEN] All Roads Lead to Rome [Herd Meeting]

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu
the Mother of Companions

She exhaled her breath slowly, one she hadn't even known she'd been holding. The moment that Gaucho announced it, she was ready for blood... but none came. It shouldn't have surprised her, that out of everyone this group, this family, stood beside him and lifted him up to the sun. Maybe it was just the violence of her craft, but she always expected the worst, especially from a large group where intelligent cries were drowned out by the rabble of the masses.

Thank the Sun she praised, although she knew it was all of them that deserved her thanks. They were an actual family - if only Ampere knew of all those in the crowd that felt like they didn't belong, she would have reached out to them, just held them, just because.

The mask gradually fell away, its purpose extinguished by the love the herd resonated with. She was glad for it, because the smile had grown heavy, the praise thick. Her joy, although not false, had not been easy, not when everything between her and Gaucho had shifted. She tried to separate it, to keep the personal feelings for him inside and retain a front for the sake of their other relationships, but it was damn hard.

She couldn't even watch him when he walked to the land bridge and performed its transformation, regardless of its powerful glory and permanent significance. Instead her eyes drifted towards the boy and his baby sister that she had saved. Was Alija caring for her? Who had walked the boy into their borders? The thought struck something inside of her and gently she lifted her wings, making her way from the gathering with a mumble of patrolling the borders. The explosion would do one of two things, draw others towards it now, or push others from it, but their curiosity overcoming their fear in time and bringing them back.

Ampere made for the skies, throwing herself into her work to make it all okay.
Credits: Image by eagle-cry-designs @ DA

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Messages In This Thread
All Roads Lead to Rome [Herd Meeting] - by Gaucho - 01-31-2015, 08:19 PM
RE: All Roads Lead to Rome [Herd Meeting] - by Astrasza - 02-05-2015, 07:19 PM
RE: All Roads Lead to Rome [Herd Meeting] - by Ampere - 02-14-2015, 04:25 PM

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