the Rift

Wolf meets Tiger [Ode v Saffron dice]

Sevin the Sucky, I mean are you a # or vacuum? Posts: 161
OOC Account
Mare :: Other :: 5'5" :: 25
16.5 > Saffron's defense of 8, so the attack HITS.
Saffron takes 10.5 points of damage from Ode.

Ode HP: 64.5
Saffron HP: 56.5-10.5= 46

Messages In This Thread
Wolf meets Tiger [Ode v Saffron dice] - by Öde - 02-26-2015, 12:15 AM
RE: Wolf meets Tiger [Ode v Saffron dice] - by Sevin - 02-26-2015, 12:27 AM

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