the Rift

[PRIVATE] Let's Play Hide & Seek!

Vincent Posts: 32
Stallion :: Equine :: 19.0 :: 10 Buff: NOVICE
Claribel :: Irish Wolfhound :: None Sparrow
He was running. Sweat coated every inch of the behemoth's cumbersome bulk, every section of black, ebony hide. Mud coated ivory feathers, clinging to his hooves and weighing him down, preventing him from running, clutching and splattering into his tail, his rump, his undercarriage and belly, staining everything a sickening shit-brown. Wide, terrified glowing-golden oculars rolled as his body pumped him forward, slipping and sliding, the rune over his right eye bright and blinding and the only source of light in this damnable darkness.

Running, running, running... Darkness around him. Rain poured. Lightning struck overhead, illuminating his surroundings - a forest? - and the specter that harried him. Mandrake.


His mind, free of his normal stutters of insecure speech, screamed at the apparition that simply wouldn't let him be. She was there, haunting him, chasing him, teeth gnashing and grayed muzzle splattered with the blood of those she had killed. Those she had mutilated. Those she had desecrated.


A mantra of the dying repeated in his head, vocals high with panic, with distress, the usual tenor of his baritone higher due to his panic.

ARCHIBALD! MYRRINE! Save me, save me, savemesaveme!

His screams fell on deaf-ears. No one would save him now. The specter was so close, teeth gnashing, laughter bubbling from a blood-splattered mouth, yellowed teeth stained with crimson, with the life-force of others. Her hooves did not touch the ground, as though she were flying, stalking him, she the predator and he... He the prey.

He tripped.

She lunged.

Teeth gnashed, and blood sprayed the ground.



The bellowing, blood-chilling scream tore from dark lips, and it was that bleating, pathetic cry that jerked the stallion awake. Eyes snapped open revealing glowing irises, the rune upon his cheek blinding and bright. Sweat coated every inch of him, smelling of musk and fear, and the sides of his barrel heaved with panic and sickness.

Around him, tall grass grew, obscuring his impressive frame from the world around him and slowly Vincent raised his head, shifting his body and pulling large, pillar-like legs closer to his barrel. Above him the sun shone down brightly, the Tallsun heat merciless, and slowly the stallion blinked to rid himself of the memories of his nightmares.

A nightmare.

That was all that it was. Mandrake was not here... She was not here. He was still alive.

At his side a small, pathetic sound whimpered and reached his ears, and faded eyes glanced down to the gray, wire-haired bundle that was Claribel. The Irish Wolfhound pup whined in distress, sensing her companion's pain, confusion, and agony. Large paws, even for a pup, situated themselves upon the Shire's folded forelegs, tongue lolling, bluish-brown eyes staring deeply at her bonded.

Through their bond - such a strange, foreign, intimate thing -, Vincent could feel her worry. None could understand him so intimately. None had, besides Archibald, his twin.

"I'm o-o-okay, Claribel," he assured, even though he felt as though he'd simply fall apart at any second. At least his breathing was slowing back to normal... The Wolfhound pup huffed a breath and then moved to allow the stallion to stand, and that was when the two of them heard a sound. A beckoning sound.

'Vince? Are you here?' It couldn't be. 'It's Myrrine!' It was!

Head twisting, nostrils flaring, eyes wide and searching, Vincent struggled for a brief moment to unfold his massive legs, and careful not to step on Claribel, the brute pushed himself up to his full, grand height. Twisting his head, ears perked forward, searching for any signs of her... And like an angel in the distance, a winged beauty, a blissful, cool drink after a terrible nightmare, there she was.

Oh, Myrrine...

She had grown, Vincent noted as he bleated a beckoning nicker in her direction. My, had she grown! While she was still far smaller than he, Myrrine had grown during their time apart. Her head was far more lady-like with her advanced age, beautiful wings proud upon her dainty shoulders, and seeing her was like a balm to his terror.

"M-M-Myrinne!" He called, his vocals still high from his lingering terror of that awful dream, "M-Myrinne!" At his side, Claribel barked and yipped and raced forward through the tall grasses towards the winged girl. The Wolfhound pup skid to a stop just before Myrrine's dainty hooves, twirling around, chasing her tail, knowing that this female equine was a dear friend from the warmth that radiated through she and Vincent's bond.

Slowly, Vincent followed after the wire-haired pup, his golden eyes soft and warm, dinner plate hooves squishing grass and dirt beneath his incredible weight. "Myrinne," he said softly with little stutters, "A-are you w-well? You... You've g-grown." Turning, Claribel spun and trotted to Vincent's side, yipping up at him. The beast chuckled, albeit nervously. "This... This is Claribel. She... She l-likes you already."


ooc: Myrrine gives me Vincent muse, okay? Okay.

I clutched my life
And wished it kept.
My dearest love I'm not done yet

I raised myself.
My legs were weak.
I prayed my mind be good to me.

Messages In This Thread
Let's Play Hide & Seek! - by Myrrine - 02-26-2015, 03:20 PM
RE: Let's Play Hide & Seek! - by Vincent - 03-01-2015, 10:19 AM
RE: Let's Play Hide & Seek! - by Myrrine - 03-01-2015, 01:22 PM
RE: Let's Play Hide & Seek! - by Vincent - 03-01-2015, 06:26 PM
RE: Let's Play Hide & Seek! - by Myrrine - 03-01-2015, 07:12 PM

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