the Rift

Schism [Cheska's Acorn to Ink]

Odd the doer of things Posts: 115
Administrator atk: 23 | def: 42 | dam: 108
Mare :: Other :: 5"2 :: 27 HP: 108 | Buff: badass
You're not very impressive, in fact you're quite the plain jane.
Appearence & gender ref: She has no unique markings or traits, in her profile she calls her mane and tail unimpressive, and she's female.
+1| To be fair, she called her mane and tail "unimpressive in length", but also describes herself as being an odd blend of her very diverse parents. There are more generic characters out there, however, if I had been looking at Cheska I would have probably considered her in this category because you're right, her coat/markings are fairly normal.

All you've really got going for you is that wild side, except you even manage to mess that up with your preference of peace.
Rank & Personality ref: She's an outcast so she lives in Helovia's wilds, her profile calls her a pacifist.
+1 | I went back and forth on this. 'wild side' isn't misleading but... I really didn't think of it meaning that the character being sought was an outcast. Given that just about everyone can be said to have a wild side however, I think it's okay. Especially because yes, she said that she prefers peace and that's the part of the clue everyone was really picking up on.

I heard you liked beer though, or at least your partial to it- must be because of your dad.
Lineage ref: I MESSED THIS ONE UP T____T One of her parents is a clydesdale, so budweiser clydesdales, but it's her mother not her father, I suck.
-1 | That would have been a really good clue. :/

You settled down at some point though, because you are a MILF, that's for sure!
History & Gender ref: milf= mommy I'd like to fuck, indicating she is again female, and had a kid. In her history section it says she had a kid.
+1 | Thanks for spelling out the acronym xD

In fact we could have a lot of fun with some magic shows; just don't turn out the lights.
Magic ref: she has dark magic to make shadow puppets which you need lights for, similarly ink has his magic which you can't see without lights because it's black.
+1 | AWESOME CLUE. I had no idea what this was, but this is so great!

Even with the -1 this is a pass from me.


For what it's worth, I'd like to include a disclaimer. In stealths there's obviously some variation in what counts as misleading. There's misleading, and then there's misleading. Had something like this happened

'You're a girl' - oops, I meant to say boy!

I would have failed the whole stealth, because that sort of thing discounts an entire gender unequivocally. In this case, at least when I googled 'Peregrine' (her dad's name) and 'beer', I get Peregrine beer. So while Blu doesn't get any points for this, it doesn't ruin the stealth as a whole.

Messages In This Thread
Schism [Cheska's Acorn to Ink] - by Ink - 03-05-2015, 01:19 AM
RE: Schism - by Ophelia - 03-05-2015, 11:40 AM
RE: Schism - by Kahlua - 03-05-2015, 01:45 PM
RE: Schism - by Ink - 03-05-2015, 09:41 PM
RE: Schism - by Ophelia - 03-06-2015, 01:45 PM
RE: Schism - by Ink - 03-06-2015, 03:27 PM
RE: Schism - by Ink - 03-07-2015, 12:20 PM
RE: Schism - by Odd - 03-07-2015, 01:34 PM
RE: Schism - by Tamme - 03-07-2015, 03:09 PM

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