the Rift

Chasing starlight to find it's died away [Ampere v. Nyx]

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu

ATK- 8
DEF- 10
DAM- 4.5
HP- 68

*Greater endurance, equal speed. 14 hh.


ATK- 5
DEF- 9
DAM- 5.5
HP- 64.5

*Greater strength and agility, equal speed. 16 hh.

Tag me only if starting a new thread.
Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

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Chasing starlight to find it's died away [Ampere v. Nyx] - by Ampere - 03-08-2015, 02:00 AM

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