the Rift


Eligor Posts: N/A
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I Play Doctor For Five Minutes Flat

Fluttering mischief. It broke the silence, a cascading event of feathers brushing and whispering against the bone-chilling nip of winter’s tempting kiss. Perhaps indeed, this is what had stolen the vital attention of the imp, the wolf buried in the depths of a sheep’s wool, and taken his attentiveness to the pale and mournful canvas of sky. There were the occasional blurs and flickers of both resonances of another being, shifting about the atmosphere somewhere very near about. As was there the brisk flash of pallid hues. Like a bleeding print the colors seemed to run, but unlike such a fine masterpiece, they escaped the vision. Proboscis flared in such a primal manner, and one would accuse the demon of anxiousness; keenness, eagerness was but what this was. The games, the games one could play! He was the Devil’s discord!
Pretty little lady… what a madam, she did present herself as, sweeping in to greet him in such formalities! Eligor shifted faintly, grandeur pillars of sinew shivered gently beneath him, and once more this was not a portrayal of nervousness, but of some kind of anticipation. Although it was a fleeting rendering, was nothing more but a phantom opening into the deceit that was sewn into the excellent muscle of the brute. Ivory tail, behind, like that of a regal whip lashed to and fro in a manner that could be proclaimed an oddity, for in its weavings did it interpret some sort of violence that only those of the most precise of the eye could decrypt. Oh and how that woman did stand before him in a stature of brilliance! Curse one’s virility, and curse one’s lusts…

Forth from above, in those coiling towers of starved trees, their branches anorexic and bent, was it iridescence of a brilliant manner did descend from those heavens above, casting a glory upon the woman who had picked him from the eerie camouflage that he was. ”Salutations,” began the fiend, shifting artfully crafted noble cranium to the side, sending a soft waver of muscle through the neck. Beneath pristine, thick, snowflake lashes, was it which scarlet oculars gleamed like hell-fire released from the gates of Hades. In the depths of the handsome stallion’s chest did a delicate song seem to brew, thick, hardy, a romantic baritone that rumbled and slipped past lips that seemed to rapture and purrrr. ”M’lady” he continued dipping his skull ever the slightest, to catch her reflection in those precious gemstones of oxblood, ivory rug about the neck falling in wind snarled, vagabond, tassels.

”Ah.” He threw a note of thought into his tone, as he lifted a crafty hoof from the chilled earth beneath, softly flicking a shower of oyster about to be caught by the rays of sunlight, and flashing like some sort of miraculous artifacts. Beast moved closer, step, by step, slowly. Although in those precise steps was no harm concealed…for now. Endowments of heaven’s ratification softly bumped at his sides, flexing and shifting, while a ever thin blanket of snow washed off the nicely polished feathers, and to reveal running down the spine was a scarlet stripe, as defining as those captivating eyes. ”Shelter… you say?” Monster spoke in such a fashion of elegance, thoughtfully, slyly. ”I am but a vagabond in these lands as of now m’dear.” Hearken crown shifted upon the cranium, seeming to flutter in the manner of a butterfly’s first breath of life; liquid ruby eyes seemed to shift downwards to look at the little lady, for he was taller than her. Tendrils of heat exploded from the man’s nose, coiling and dancing to the heavens above in a dying ballet. ”May you tell me…where I may be?” Eligor seemed to smile, lips pulling back ever the slightest to reveal ivories. Let the games begin…


Messages In This Thread
FROM THE GATES OF HELL (OPEN) - by Eligor - 10-07-2012, 08:24 PM
RE: FROM THE GATES OF HELL (OPEN) - by Onni - 10-10-2012, 04:32 PM
RE: FROM THE GATES OF HELL (OPEN) - by Eligor - 10-10-2012, 09:50 PM
RE: FROM THE GATES OF HELL (OPEN) - by Onni - 10-11-2012, 04:15 PM
RE: FROM THE GATES OF HELL (OPEN) - by Eligor - 10-14-2012, 08:57 AM

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