the Rift

the healer {ex-edge- healing}

Faelene Posts: 297
Hidden Account
Mare :: Unicorn :: 16 :: 9 Buff: NOVICE

Taking Mauja's advice it was time to find that healer, and patch her open wounds. She was certain her shoulder was starting to grow something that was not part unicorn even with her best efforts to cleanse it in the salty sea. The mare was aware if infection grew, it would take a lot more to stop it, and she would be worse off.

Limbs breaking through the snow, tugging her along Faelene was hesitant. She worried about Descaro and Aurelius, they had been burned, and cut and she would feel better to see them mended too. She had a couple problems. It was a bit harder in the wilds to know where everyone was, and with no direct signs it wasn't in her to run across the country side with her wounds herding them in. She was merely happy to get from point a to b without spilling blood. Tucking her head, ears pressed to her head, and she contemplated on her small world dilemma. The further along she trekked she came to the conclusion, getting mended would be the better idea. She could collect them better if she could move properly. While she strolled in her new found fashion, she tried not to continue questioning herself when a strong bugle cut the air. There was no doubt it was Mauja, summoning the wounded warriors. Maybe, she would not have to gather them in like a lost flock after all.

The small group her eyes would spot, and she released a hard breath from her nostrils. It was not enough force to be a snort, but almost. Where was everyone else? She was quite certain there she be a line, not just her and she paused not sure if it was Lucius or Lloyd by the distance. Oh well, she was here and wasn't about to turn back now. A tip of her nose she let out a whinny to let them know she was coming, and she further navigated through the drifts.

The closer she became she saw their healer had no horn, and could not mistake Lucius coming to the same conclusion. What the hell was going on here? Her triangle points ushered forward, and she let her charcoal gaze find Mauja. She had noticed his pink hide, but why would a hornless want to help them? Everyone was so committed to marking them as the villains, though it was them who had been cast aside from their home without real purpose. Did this equine think differently or? She couldn't understand it, and decided it didn't matter. Getting mended by anybody at this point would be better than letting things fester, and Mauja trusted her so that would be enough for Faelene.

High stepping motions, she walked past Lucius. "She's right you know," she told him, giving a hard look to the bulky stallion. "And I for one appreciate anyone's help in this." A more softened stare she turned her head to the tall mare, still not understanding her angle in this. Her head hurt enough these days to keep letting the question repeat. Either way Faelene saw no reason not to be civil. "Miss, I would rather others be healed before me, but if they are all stubborn as him I know I have a wicked gash wanting to rot and I rather not waste off by infection."

Messages In This Thread
the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Tor - 10-09-2012, 05:24 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Mauja - 10-10-2012, 07:22 AM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Lucius - 10-10-2012, 04:36 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Tor - 10-10-2012, 06:08 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Faelene - 10-11-2012, 05:13 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Faelene - 10-25-2012, 10:38 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Mauja - 10-12-2012, 01:10 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Tor - 10-13-2012, 07:54 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Lucius - 10-14-2012, 12:02 PM
RE: the healer {ex-edge- healing} - by Tor - 10-18-2012, 05:48 PM

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