the Rift

are you waiting for the right excuse? [Midas to Hotaru]

Blu the Bootyful Posts: 443
Administrator atk: 99 | def: 99 | dam: 99
Mare :: Other :: 5'7" :: 25 HP: 99999 | Buff: TWERK

Foreshortened heavens
--- "Foreshortened heavens" - Foreshorten means something is closer or farther than it appears, heavens is an easy spiritual/death term. This refers to his immortality/ascended status and his faith. On one hand foreshortened heavens can mean 'death' is far away due to his immortality, but also the reverse foreshortened 'close' because of his spirituality and close relationship with the Earth God
--- Mild pun/wordplay on the word short, which many people seemed to guess, because he's a shortstack ;P
+1| [Religious ref] Definitely picked up on a spiritual character with this clue, which not only applies to Midas, but especially does given his ascended status as you said. He is also short :P

Mimicry of ancient tyranny
--- Title clue, Midas is a Czar which is a foil or "mimicry" to Csar, a tyrannical ruling of the old (ancient) Soviet Union
0| [Rank ref] Although your explanation makes sense, looking at this clue with face value it made me think of someone who pretends to be a tyrant, is tyrannical in some manner, or mimics in some manner, none of which really seem to suit Midas and is in fact rather opposite of his gentle nature which almost led me to count this as misleading. However since the description of the clue is wholly applicable to Midas' rank, and I just failed to make the connection, then I've decided it counts as a 0 for me. What would have made this a +1 is if the clue had helped direct a bit further towards rank, albeit that's the line you always toe in stealths with being just vague enough that it's not guessed. Also I believe you meant tsar not csar (at least google redirected me to tsar) ;)

Chastity had no hold on you
--- Midas is considered to be a very holy man, very spiritual. Holy men and women generally are chaste, Midas is a "holy" or religious man but has a lot of kids both blooded and adopted, one of which is very recent with Africa
+1| [Lineage ref] Yep, he has kiddos!

Gleaming trumpets in royal bands, flighty music
--- "Wings ► Swan wings, the tips are dipped in gold" Usually wings are not specifically stated on a pegasus profile, but Midas has swan wings. The two main types of swans are Trumpet swans and Royal swans. Flighty is an allusion/aid to thinking on the line of flight and wings which would lead to the type of wings, but also can be a pegasi reference.
--- Trumpets are usually a brassy, golden color, which is a main part of Midas' color scheme. Its connection to the 'wing' portion of the line also refers to the 'tips dipped in gold'
+1| [Color ref] Your wing ref is definitely on point, but it was the color ref that I really picked up on in this clue.

3/3 necessary to pass

This was a great stealth, just the one clue I struggled with. Unfortunately you had a lot of passable parts, but since you lumped several references into one clue, I can only give each clue a single score - of course the benefit to lumping references inside one clue is to ensure that clue does pass in the event one of the references is judged a failure within the clue. Overall I know several people had guessed this was Midas so that helped show to me that this stealth was solvable. Great clues though, you do a great job of providing awesome reveals and arduous clues!
 HP: 1100

Helovia Hard Mode

Messages In This Thread
RE: are you waiting for the right excuse? - by Verlaine - 03-17-2015, 10:58 PM
RE: are you waiting for the right excuse? - by Eurybe - 03-18-2015, 01:48 AM
RE: are you waiting for the right excuse? - by Blu - 03-24-2015, 11:26 PM

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