the Rift

I'm raw for you-

Kÿgore Posts: N/A
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OOC: Please understand my character said nothing. If you re read my post, {quote}:"Their unified whisper burned lonesomely inside his thickened skull."{unquote} Then only would he murmur aloud. I will have my character ignore her first set of words. Please be considerate of my writing a bit more. Thank you (:-

Within seconds, a woman of spots set before bloody crimson eyes. Brows pinched at the tongue pitiful newcomers spoke. He halted firmly, massive feet planted. Ears perked at the woman with her wings. Her eyes were of dull feces; her body a messy casserole. Such an unpleasant creature.

She spoke of beauty; pure philosophy that would be wasted by an insightful mind that wrapped upon logic; departing from any and all nonsense that presented itself. He favored her not as she finally gave an inquiry to his statement. Flared nostrils dismissed her as he held no interest.

His tail swung wildly as thick hind legs pushed him forward. He would waste no time talking to a woman high on smiley faces. He prayed no one else would be this way. He took no delight in her sudden appearance. Hoping she'd disappear just as fast.

Eyes of red ignored her as he continued trotting. He gave only a disapproving sentence that lingered with the distaste that was collected from his very jowls. " Hagyj békén csúnya dalmát. "{leave me be ugly dalmatian} His foreign tongue was sharp against the woman he left standing behind. He turned to face her not. He never dared showed others they mattered. Kygore was robust compared to what she held in store for herself. Big wings gave way to his thickened horn. Her easily lifted body gave way to his unbearably heavy build. Kygore was in no way intimidated nor would he give her the pleasure of his being. And continuously, he trotted; steps deliberately pounding the green terrain.

" thought " & " speech "


WC: 262

Messages In This Thread
I'm raw for you- - by Kÿgore - 03-25-2015, 08:49 AM
RE: I'm raw for you- - by Rei - 03-25-2015, 11:22 AM
RE: I'm raw for you- - by Kÿgore - 03-25-2015, 12:25 PM
RE: I'm raw for you- - by Rei - 03-25-2015, 02:16 PM

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