the Rift

[PRIVATE] dark side of the moon

Thor the Gentle Heart Posts: 379
Hidden Account atk: 4 | def: 7 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.3 :: 11 (TallSun) HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Sabine :: Common Zephyr :: Roc Linds
The answers you seek,
Shall be yours,
Once I claim,
What is mine.
It was over the lapping of the waves that I heard what I’d come to think of as a past grievance or perhaps a fantastical rouse meant to disarm me. At first, the dragon song sent a spell of perfect, voltaic waves down my spine that eventually coursed upward, making my face feel warm and electric. Below me, the sea persisted to rush and moan, predictable and unmindful to the faint notes of her former Queen. It took me a long time to find the courage to remove myself from the cliff and investigate what could possibly be the DragonHeart’s return; I’d grown too accustomed to disappointment. Instead, I continued to stare absently at the foam rolling up against the sheer bluffs, its monotony a constant reminder of the one thing still dear to my heart. The Edge had become many things to me, things that ranged from family to refuge… She embodied my past and guided my future with such patience and reserve that it was a wonder I’d ever left. Yet, it had become an empty place without Mirage. My return had been painful and lonesome, for everything had changed- including myself.

Whether or not my mind had once again decided to play tricks on my heart was still unclear, but it was in a moment of doubt that I turned one curious eye toward the east hoping to find something of note, of recognition. However, there was no flash of gold, no mirthful smile, and certainly no reason to believe that this was not another case of debauchery, made real by the past and my unwillingness to let it… die.

When the skies grew quiet and observant once more, I shifted away from the overhang in order to wander nervously toward the border. Sabine, though silent before, had managed to dig and pluck her way up toward my poll with what felt like juvenile grace. It was hard to conceal the pain she evoked when carelessly clawing at my neck in order to situate herself as she pleased, but I couldn’t blame her for wanting to be part of the action. She had sensed my tension and thrust her way into my conscious with something that appeared to be genuine reassurance and caring. Though we shared only raw emotion at her tender age, it was comforting nonetheless. Time promised to make us strong and until then I would make sure that the young Zephyr was content and happy, no matter her constant demands.

The mists began to grow thick as we moved into the dense wood that often concealed too many secrets and too many memories best forgotten. They curled and parted around my knees, unusually heavy for the mid-summer heat and entirely out of place so early in the day. Migratory birds clucked and sang overhead and at times Sabine would answer with a dissonant squawking that often drove her adversaries from their limbs and into yonder branches unseen. On most days I would chuckle at her attempts to call them down, but most days did not promise the return of the Dragonheart, my friend…

As the forest began to thin in some places, I was able to identify the shattered, glass wall- now a relic and abysmal reminder of battles still strung upon our tattered sleeves. But just beyond it…

..........just beyond the cracks and the glistening shards of the past-

............................-was the one I’d been waiting for.

She was just as changed as I, but the faintest of fires still burned behind her golden eyes. It was dim and smoky, but a fire all the same. A low rumbling started in my gut and eventually pulsed outward, a sound of sorrow and welcome, unease and relief. Resplendence had already managed to find the former WeyrLeader and I allowed her a moment to gush and swoon, delighted at the sight of faith restored. However, it took an incredible amount of strength for me to go forth and greet the little mare after all this time. She had once embodied power and grace like a second skin and I did wonder what kept me from her side when I’d longed for nothing more for so, so long... Perhaps it was my fear that she’d vanish just as soon as she’d come or maybe it was just that I was afraid her fragile demeanor would crack under so much jubilation and surprise. But was I truly surprised? Did I really find it unbelievable that she would return to the Edge, as I’d done only a few months prior? The land had nurtured our souls and mended our broken hearts numerous times… It was nothing of significance that she had come back, no, it was only surprising that it had taken her so long.

Mirage,” I breathed on a heavy sigh. Sabine was quick to clamber about atop my poll, clucking almost soundlessly before heaving herself down toward my back. I couldn’t determine if it had been Akaith and her regal presence that had startled the Zephyr, but I was content to let her hide until things had calmed. I smiled once at Mirage, a soft turn of darkened lips, and moved forward at last to embrace the mare who had thought enough of me to call me her equal. “Welcome home.

The word felt strange upon my tongue because, now that I was looking at the one who had made this place a land of honest repute, I wondered how it had ever truly been a home without her.

Image Credits


Lines by Tamme! Paddeh Coloring

Messages In This Thread
dark side of the moon - by Mirage - 03-24-2015, 07:38 PM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Resplendence - 03-24-2015, 09:31 PM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Thor - 03-25-2015, 10:04 PM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Kaj - 03-27-2015, 10:25 PM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Mirage - 03-29-2015, 02:26 AM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Resplendence - 03-29-2015, 10:11 PM
RE: dark side of the moon - by Thor - 04-02-2015, 08:08 PM

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