the Rift

[✗] of IDLE wings and violent SHADOWS

Hiraeth Posts: N/A
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on the run from a thief I let into my head

Hiraeth breathed in the silence that washed over the moonlit Threshold. Haunches casually pressed back against a small cluster of trees to her south as her green-eyed stare surveyed the quiet forest. Gaze followed the trees from their base, head tilting back as she looked up to the canopy. In the few moments she had taken to stop walking, the drumming in her ears faded, and the cooling sweat started to chill her skin.

It was right then and there that the silence was broken, and the small pegasus nearly jumped out of her skin in fright. Eye quickly redirected itself to the bay stallion as she turned her head to face the right side, and her one good eye, towards him. She was too stunned - too shocked - at what stood before her to form words. Horns? A tail that is... almost... hairless? Brow furrowed and ears tilted back in confusion, as she attempted to work out exactly what he was. In all her life, she had only encountered the (seemingly) normal equines of her homeland... never once had she seen or even known it was possible to possess almost reptilian-like qualities, such as his horns and whip-like tail.

Her focus drifted from eying the stallion from head to toe, to his hellhound companion. Gaze that had been previously staring confused at Rostislav, suddenly turned to one of near-panic. Head jerked up sharply as her haunches pressed her even harder against the foliage behind her, which now felt like more of a cage than a place to casually lean against. Ears disappeared into a messy mane as every muscle in her body tensed, and she pulled one feathered limb up to her chest. To her, wolves were nothing short of predators that fed upon equines like herself... so in this strange land, why was she to think this 'wolf' was any different?

With her breath caught in her throat, she stared at the duo; petite little mare was unsure whether to panic and run. Any chance that she would respond to his kind words was swept away with her fear. "W-olf?" she stammered in her heavy accent, gaze flitting from the hellhound, to the stallion.

[ǂ] @[Rostislav] Let me know if you'd like me to continue tagging you! [ǂ]
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Messages In This Thread
[✗] of IDLE wings and violent SHADOWS - by Hiraeth - 03-26-2015, 11:23 PM
RE: ✗ // of IDLE wings and violent SHADOWS - by Hiraeth - 03-27-2015, 08:35 PM
RE: ✗ // of IDLE wings and violent SHADOWS - by Hiraeth - 03-28-2015, 01:40 AM

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