the Rift

I dance and sing and wear no ring - Aisling's Threads and Tables

Aisling the Fae Posts: 112
Absent Abyss atk: 5.5 | def: 9.0 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Equine :: 13.1 :: 6 :: Birdsong HP: 63 | Buff: NOVICE
Sorcha :: Common Green Dragon :: Fire Breath Laine


O you dreamers proud and pure
you have gleaned the sweet of life
golden truth that shall endure
over pain and doubt and strife

The little lass was quite enjoying these tasks the Earth God set. Each one was akin to a miniature quest, which was an exciting enough notion to go unaided but she was also absolutely delighted to be seeing more of this new land. The more she saw the more there was to see; she wanted to know about the Gods here and wondered if the magic in this land sprung from them like it did from the faeries back home.

The best things about these mini adventures was by far the company she kept. Adventures on her own had been fun but a quest with a merry band of companions was what the songs always said and finding her life aligning with any tale was enough to send her head spinning in a whirlwind of childish dreams and aspirations. With Finn as her companion, there was little else she could wish for. Aisling was quickly affirm go her opinion the has was one of the sweetest and most charming stallions she had ever met.

She danced along at his side, content to follow his lead through the meadow, and replayed the scene at the pool again in her mind. He had been so gallant, coming to assist her as he had, for in her fanciful recollection there had been no interference, and the magical setting had done nothing to keep her fluttery heart grounded.

She liked to listen as he idly chatted and hummed serenely in acknowledgement. At his quiet mention of a home other than Helovia her imagination flew. They came to a stop and she watched home carefully dig up the lovely purple flower. Such care he took, so much patience and kindness and charm, whe could surely be and exiled prince, cast out of his kingdom by an evil sorcerer, and building a new home in a new land. She sighed happily, looking around the flowery path and enjoying the sight of playful children nearby before turning back to Finn. "You're not a native of this land? Where is it you're from then?" She asked brightly, bending down to start work of a flower of her own, digging with a dainty grey hoof."talk talk talk talk

Texture by monxcheri @ DA
[now come the days of the dreamer and they are filled with wonder and light ]
:: permission given for use of magic and force :: please tag Aisling in all posts ::

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RE: I dance and sing and wear no ring - Aisling's Threads and Tables - by Aisling - 03-27-2015, 11:06 PM

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