the Rift

[PRIVATE] Orange sunrise

Archibald the Dauntless Posts: 386
Absent Abyss atk: 6.0 | def: 9.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Equine :: 18.3 hh :: 10 years HP: 80 | Buff: SHIELD
Loretta :: Alaskan Malamute :: Time Slip Time
Just the beating of hearts, like two drums in the grey.

Archibald the Dauntless

& Loretta the Fierce

Archibald stayed true to his word with Ophelia. He left the Aurora Basin, giving just a glance behind him to their sentinels, and headed straight to his leading counterparts. Just as he arrived and mulled over with them what Ophelia had shared, Archibald led them to the meeting place. He had given Kahlua the armor gifted by the Dragon's Throat and Lakota the faceplate. He stayed fairly quiet, Loretta trotting easily at his side. There was no turning back now, nor was there any desire to. Golden glances flicked up every so often at the painted queen, then to the golden king, but no words left the dark knight’s lips.

Finally, Archibald and his equals arrived in the presence of the Basin leadership. Archibald nodded to Ophelia and Deimos in turn. Golden eyes stayed on the grey stallion for only a moment longer, wondering what the death-beast thought of the proposal. He even wondered what the grey thought of him. Had it changed from the fiery dislike Archibald assumed Deimos felt towards him from the loss of the last war they waged together, or even from the war they fought against each other all those years ago. The thought was dismissed, however. Archibald did not need to expel the energy to mind what others thought of him--save for those he had sworn his life to as a leader in arms and blood. Gaucho already hated him deeply, as Archibald did the dun, and it mattered not. If Deimos felt likewise, Archibald would not lose sleep. He would lose sleep regarding his herd’s safety, and had. It was the reason they were standing here now--at least, it was the most important reason in the calculating mind of the Dauntless warlord.

”Kaj can help navigate from the sky, if needed.” Archibald moved his head to motion toward the king’s set of wings. ”The land has changed since the darkness overcame Helovia, but the mountains still have whispers of what they used to be. Memory of patrolling those rocky paths will aid you more than you believe, I predict. I spent some time surveying the surrounding areas from the Heavenly Fields. There are several entrances to the land aside from the main.” Archibald looked to Ophelia, pulling up the memory of standing and speaking with Lakota on the peak, surveying the land that was once his home. ”I believe we should fall on a tactic that worked in our favor before. We will move in during the day and attack at sunset, with the sun at our backs. It will give us the ample amount of light to see, and perhaps disorient the defenders.”

art by shady

Through the ages of time
I've been known for my hate,
but I'm a dealer of simple choices;
for me it's never too late.

please tag me

Messages In This Thread
Orange sunrise - by Ophelia - 03-31-2015, 05:28 PM
RE: Orange sunrise - by Archibald - 03-31-2015, 05:29 PM
RE: Orange sunrise - by Deimos - 03-31-2015, 05:32 PM

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