the Rift

[OPEN] Heroes and stop-signs

Hertz Posts: 42
Absent Abyss
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.3 :: 2 Years :: Birdsong
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I wasn't sure if the Wildfire was going to pay me any attention as I strode closer, the only greeting received was by the flame bird playing in the sand. A soft trill filling the air along with the humming of the insects reached out gently towards my eardrums as a soft smile flashed across navy features that bobbed in greeting to the friendly bird. Maybe if the companion was kind so would the bonded be? Or was it the opposite and a kind companion would be bonded to the exact opposite because opposites attracted? A strange feeling welled up in my barrel as my dark striped limbs stopped their forward motion and baby blues took in the massive stallion in the water before me. Was this that butterfly feeling that girls talked about? Whatever it was, I didn't like it. I almost felt as if I was going to hurl all over the hot sand between the god-like stallion and myself...if my species could throw up that was.
Swallowing hard, I spoke up and asked Gaucho about the fire that sprouted from his massive wings. Wings that had seen hundreds and hundreds of miles of travel, while mine had not yet been used to achieve lift off because the downy feathers were only just starting to change over into flight feathers, leaving me with a funny appearance of being a million different colors as the paler feathers fell off to reveal the darker ones growing beneath them. Short navy hairs stood up all over my body as the dun's eyes moved across my body, taking in every little detail with the skill only the best of the best would have. Surely he noticed everything by just looking over me, could he see the electric magic that raged through my veins simply waiting for a storm to roll over the ocean? Could he see something that I couldn't see? Or was I merely overreacting in awe of being in the presence of an ascended Helovian, who just also happened to be our Sultan.
"Long time ago Sun God give Gaucho flames that would always burn. Sun God also give Gaucho other kinds of magic - he give Gaucho markings on antlers, and Mara and Vorsa too. Sun God good." Navy harks moved to the front and remained there the whole time the dun was speaking in fear of missing anything important the stallion might say. It seemed everything good the stallion had was given to him for his faith in the Sun God, the god who watched over the Throat with a gaze more protective than any father's. I made a quick mental note to make sure I remembered to say my prayers each night and do all I could to serve the Sun God righteously so I could one day be as great and wonderful as the strong stallion before me. Shifting my weight from one side to the other carefully I pulled my baby blues away from the dun momentarily to look at the small flame bird and the ghostly snake a soft smile tugging at the corners of my navy kissers before attention turned back to the Wildfire. "The Sun God is good." My bolted skull bobbed up and down in agreement as the stallion's deep voice filled the oasis once again.
"What your name?" For a moment, I couldn't remember my name. My skull shook and growing wings tucked in closer to my sides before vocal chords finally decided to remember how to work. "I am Hertz, son of Bucephalus and Alija." Da was someone important in the herd, that I knew because he was always too busy off working to play with Aakesh and me and whenever he was not working he was doing other things like crafting and general things. All of which seemed much more important than spending time with my twin and I.

Tag;; @[Gaucho]
Words;; 653
Notes;; Sorry I took so long!! Didn't realize you had replied -hides-

- credits :: credits -
Please tag me in all posts!

Messages In This Thread
Heroes and stop-signs - by Gaucho - 03-08-2015, 06:19 PM
RE: Heroes and stop-signs - by Hertz - 03-11-2015, 11:24 PM
RE: Heroes and stop-signs - by Gaucho - 03-24-2015, 02:36 PM
RE: Heroes and stop-signs - by Hertz - 03-31-2015, 10:34 PM
RE: Heroes and stop-signs - by Gaucho - 04-16-2015, 09:40 AM

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