the Rift

Postcards [Lena to Ink]

Odd the doer of things Posts: 115
Administrator atk: 23 | def: 42 | dam: 108
Mare :: Other :: 5"2 :: 27 HP: 108 | Buff: badass
Hello northerner, how is the ice and snow? :: Herd ref - Aurora Basin is in northern Helovia and is full of ice and snow being a tundra habitat
+1| I think everyone did get this one.

"Year round, the land is covered in permafrost".
It helps to have a horn, I'm sure :3 :: Species ref - Lena is a unicorn
+1 Yep.

With such a weapon you seem like you ought to be built for war, especially given your bloodline. :: Breed ref - Lena is an Andalusian, a breed specifically designed for purposes of war. From wikipedia, one of the first results to come up when searched "Throughout its history, [the Andalusian] has been known for its prowess as a war horse, and was prized by the nobility." Also from Helovia's stats spreadsheet explanation "24 base reserved for battle breeds (warmblood, draft, andalusian)". "Built" was a hint this was about her breed, which is often considered a horse's build, as was "bloodline".

-1| I really like the mention about Helovia's stats, but 'built' makes me think literally of Lena's build (as opposed to the more general, 'someone like you ought to be built for war'), whereas 'bloodline' makes me think if HER heritage.
Built: Lena's profile states that she is a 'slender, lithe Andalusian build'
Bloodline: a set of ancestors or line of descent of a person. Neither of Lena's parents were warriors as far as I can tell from her profile. If you had left off "especially given your bloodline" this might have passed for me, because it IS true that Lena's breed 'ought to be built for war', as you explicitly say. But the especially is ultimately what made this misleading for me.

Blood doesn't hold you together though, does it? In your case water or ice, just might be thicker. :: Lineage/History ref - A common phrase is "blood is thicker than water" which implies family comes before friends, so the "blood" here is referring to her family, for which Lena has none onsite, including no children despite her long term status onsite. The "water" from the phrase is the Basin, whom she's been loyal to her entire time onsite (since its foundation), hence the mention of ice once again, which is a form of water.

+1| This was really hard for me, I stared at it for probably 10 minutes. Water really threw me off here at first, because the Basin has very little water. Or at least, when you think of the Basin you think of ice, and not water. So I thought the addition of 'water' was meant to reference magic or something. BUT, you do give them both - 'water or ice might just be thicker'.

Then I was hung up on the wording - Blood doesn't hold you together - yes, yes it does; I was imagining a character like Ayelet who literally wasn't held together by blood, or an immortal or something. Other translations of this quote are, Kin-blood is not spoilt by water, and For naturally blood will be of kind / Drawn-to blood, where he may it find. There's nothing to suggest that the metaphor is meant to say that you are held together by your important relationships, just that you put them first. BUT I think most understood what this clue was getting at, especially since you kept both of the important aspects of the phrase 'blood' and 'water' (which resolved my earlier confusion at the addition of water). So this one actually came together rather well for me. The water made me confused in a good way, and once I got the explanation it made perfect sense why you had to keep both. I still don't like the wording, but I did know what it was you meant.

Anyway I'm thinking of sending you a care package, so do you like scones? :: Rank ref - Lena is a healer in the Basin, hence a care package, as she routinely cares for others as her duty. "The CARE Package was the original unit of aid distributed by the humanitarian organization CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere)." & "a gift of treats to relatives or friends, especially of items not readily available to them" Lena often trades herbs with the other herds, which also leads to the scone reference. "The scone is a basic component of the cream tea or Devonshire tea. It differs from a teacake and other sweet buns, which are made with yeast." Scones are well known to be eaten alongside tea, which is a beverage made from herbs. Essentially the notion of the word care, a care package, and herbs paired with scones ties into her healer rank.

0| This is getting a 0 from me - basically a +1, -1. Care package is spot on .I had originally been thinking you send a prisoner a care package, but the explanation here makes a lot of sense to me. And it is true that Lena gives away herbs often. However the scone reference for me was very misleading. What does it matter if scones go with tea? Lots of other things go with tea as well. There was nothing to tie together 'hmm, this type of food' with, 'ah! A drink made out of herbs!' 'herbs=healer'. The care package has nothing specifically to do with tea. I could see if it said 'herb scones' or something to tie it in with the carepackage, but this made me think it was supposed to be a colour reference or something like that. I would have preferred if you had said "So do you like tea" instead.

That's 2/3 from me, so a fail.

Messages In This Thread
Postcards [Lena to Ink] - by Ink - 03-28-2015, 03:04 PM
RE: Postcards - by Abraham - 03-28-2015, 03:15 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 03-28-2015, 03:23 PM
RE: Postcards - by Deimos - 03-28-2015, 07:04 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 03-28-2015, 07:21 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ophelia - 03-30-2015, 10:58 AM
RE: Postcards - by Odd - 03-30-2015, 01:07 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 03-30-2015, 02:34 PM
RE: Postcards - by Archibald - 03-30-2015, 02:57 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 03-30-2015, 07:03 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ophelia - 03-31-2015, 11:55 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 03-31-2015, 11:59 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ophelia - 04-02-2015, 09:21 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 04-02-2015, 09:44 PM
RE: Postcards - by Ink - 04-02-2015, 09:45 PM
RE: Postcards - by Sevin - 04-02-2015, 11:25 PM
RE: Postcards - by Odd - 04-03-2015, 10:11 AM
RE: Postcards - by Whit - 04-03-2015, 05:34 PM
RE: Postcards - by Tamme - 04-03-2015, 05:38 PM

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