the Rift

[PRIVATE] Strings & ceiling wax & other fancy stuff

Isopia the Mountain That Knows Posts: 780
Dragon's Throat Apostle atk: 6.5 | def: 10 | dam: 8.0
Mare :: Tribrid :: 18hh :: 3 - is now aging slowly HP: 90 | Buff: NUMB
Hubris :: Royal Bronze Dragon :: Shock Breath & Frost Breath & Babel :: Royal Gold Dragon :: Fire Breath Odd
I'm the end of a Hitchcock movie; a little dark and a lot confusing.

You're the best!-
She felt him, close and hot. Or was it that she was hot? That panting - was it her, or him? And surely just from the sprint down to the water ... there was no other reason for her heart (his heart?) to be racing, was there?

Why was it so warm!

His head felt draped across her wither for an eternity, his body pressed against hers for a millennium. She had never really been this close to anyone before. Of course there had been the awkward nursing sessions with Kahlua, but both mother and daughter bore this with grit teeth and parted as soon as possible. The only other time had been with Volterra ... she had thrown herself at him when he had collapsed, urging him to get up and continue helping her. At the time it had seemed like nothing.

Not like this.

This was unending.

You're the best

Wait. Hadn't he said that already? Time had stopped, was reversing. She could feel the way her hair rose to meet his embrace all over again, and how it sent a cold chill down her spine and into her hooves. But the chill hadn't been ... it hadn't been bad. Or .. Even her vast mind couldn't describe it. Maybe it was that it felt too good. No, not good. It was too stimulating - no! no that either. Her mind couldn't capture what it felt like. Only that it made her stomach flop, made her hooves want to dance away, and caused a feeling in her throat that was a mixture of a scream and a laugh.

You're the best

But he was pulling away. Her golden gaze turned to follow, intent on the sheepish smile that played on his lips. Had she really just stood there that entire time? Hadn't she moved, hadn't she done anything? It felt like years had passed, and yet during all of that time she hadn't thought of a single way to respond - to his embrace or his words. And so as always, her round golden stare was her only communication. Her lips remained still. But he was off - bounding ahead of her after showering her with droplets from his coat. Finally her dark lips twitched, a ghost of a smile, as she moved after him.

The path before him began to expand. Using her magic, she re-shaped even more earth so that they could travel forward. The girl knew almost nothing about whales, but she was sure they were fairly large. Even though the water was deep for them, it wouldn't be deep for any whales they might encounter. They needed to go further.

"I bet we'll see one." She said as she caught up to him. Standing shoulder to shoulder, she looked out towards the horizon, completely clueless as to whether or not her statement was true, or even likely. It wasn't like her to say such things, but she felt the need to break the silence. Which, again was not like her. Silence did not bother her, but for some reason, she didn't want to make Zero feel uneasy about their ...

Well, about anything, actually.



Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

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RE: Strings & ceiling wax & other fancy stuff - by Isopia - 04-29-2015, 08:21 PM

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