the Rift

Fires in the Sky [Cirrus Vs. Aithniel]

Time the Dice Queen Posts: 144
OOC Account atk: 50 | def: 50 | dam: 50
Mare :: Other :: 5'7 :: 22 HP: 5050 | Buff: DROPKICK
19.5 > Aithniels's defense of 9, so the attack *HITS*.
Aithniel takes 11.5 points of damage from Cirrus.

Aithniel HP: 55.5-11.5= 44
Cirrus HP: 58.5

Messages In This Thread
RE: Fires in the Sky [Cirrus Vs. Aithniel] - by Time - 05-08-2015, 04:40 PM

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