the Rift


Prometheus Posts: 75
Up For Adoption atk: 4 | def: 7 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 8.2 / 16.3 :: 4 months / 6 years [Immortal] HP: 60.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Pyr :: Siberian Tiger :: Hypnotize & Flaming Touch Adoptable

I, the undead, creep into a new battle, feeling strong and certain after my humiliation of the young black stallion. Surely the youngling had not expected to see such horrors on such a cold and tranquil day; surely I have left a lasting impression. I will not forget the look in his eyes, I have seen it before. I can only hope he will never forget the hollow, dead look in mine.

Night has fallen and left me almost blind by my own rights- were it not for the light of the moon and stars dappling this desolate expanse, I would be a helpless victim to shadow. But as the world around me is now I see the faint outlines of slight dunes and mountaintops, I take in the beauty of the aurora and the wonder of the night with a disinterested ease and come to one, final conclusion- what lives and breathes, what nature designs, is all entirely inconsequential.

And of course, in keeping with my concept, the white mare in the distance means nothing to me. She is thickly built and beautiful in her own right; I cannot see her face, only the faint outline of her powerful form by the moonlight, but I picture her turning to face me with eyes alight and a passion in her gaze that I have long since lost.

All at once I feel a lust for her and a desire to tear her to the ground. I long to feel the grittiness of her flesh between my dull and rotting teeth; I yearn for the smooth feel of her flesh beneath mine. I cannot control my urges; the simple buildup of emotion is enough to heat the earth from where I stand, far enough away to be out of sight, silent enough to be out of earshot. I am unaware of the magic creeping across the steppe until I see it myself, glinting in the moonlight, seeping towards the mare and yawning hungrily at the face of her ergots. The metal is silent and slow moving in the face of the snowstorm, a rolling liquid the aims to envelop her ankles and freeze solid upon touching her skin. From the steel of the earth the chains that have become characteristic of my newfound skill form in silence as the mold settles and the fire dies.

Far from her I stand in silence, watching with the white, glazed eyes of a child that bears the mind and maturity of an adult. I find myself unsure as to why I am attempting to capture her- to make her mine, or to ensure that she will never be anyone's? My mine reels at the concept and the metal surges forth to match my mind. The small loops that aimed to confine her to the earth are not enough, and from the heated substance springs four more chains that reach upwards and around the previously unsuspecting mare. They cross each other in a perfect x formation, reaching over her middle back and diving back towards the earth from whence they came, hoping to chain her to it. Silence is broken at last as chains clang against each other in the cold, frostfall air- broken, too, is the spell upon my mind.

I have approached from behind slowly as my chains have flown through the air to meet their target, almost silent, seemingly cautious. The form of a child is replaced with that of a proud and strong stallion, one that watches another with intrigue and unmitigated, violent desire. I catch a glimpse of green that I recognize as her eyes, imagine them reflecte din the swirling white of my own. I examine her further, take in her plain figure, and picture her everywhere. In every moment of silence of loneliness, she is there- a vision in the snow, a beauty in white.

I become aware of the fact that I am breathing- I understand suddenly the chill that is beginning to take over my body and look down upon myself to see a coat growing thicker for winter. I am not what I imagined myself to be; neither is she. Around us the subtle snowstorm invades the air, covering me with a flurry of flakes, quickly chilling me to the bone. I watch the metal waiting for it to solidify as I commanded it to do; I hear it hiss in the cold.

[[WC: 739 || AS: Approaches from behind. Summons metal from the earth to move slowly across the ground and sneak up on her, attempting to form hoops around her ankles that will hopefully chain her to the ground. Begins to approach her from behind and shifts to potential form, at the same time summons four full fledges chain to fly up and wrap around her back from above. If successful the chains will form an x and melt back into the ground, keeping her there.]]

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[Image: siggy1_zpsfwdjquxw.png]
please tag Prometheus in all replies!
magic & force is permitted at your own peril.

Messages In This Thread
ROUND TWO: Alex - by Official - 10-12-2012, 09:21 PM
RE: ROUND TWO: Alex - by Prometheus - 10-15-2012, 08:32 PM
RE: ROUND TWO: Alex - by Random Event - 10-16-2012, 07:12 PM
RE: ROUND TWO: Alex - by Prometheus - 10-19-2012, 02:04 PM

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