the Rift

Help me make my table work outside of Tryit Editor ;-;

Ashamin the Clovenheart Posts: 426
Outcast atk: 8 | def: 11.5 | dam: 5.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.2 HH :: 5 [Frostfall] HP: 79 | Buff: NUMB
Lochan :: Plain Cerndyr :: Dark Mist & Rakt :: Common Cerndyr :: Starpast Jen
Hey there guys...

So this works perfectly in a tryit editor which means it's something conflicting with the site. I don't know how the site's coding works so much, sadly. If I had the energy I could maybe figure this out but I'm just... exhausted. I've been working on this for hours. I suspect my problem is with the first div, since that image for some reason isn't even picking up on the border I've given it. I'm not really sure, though.

Many thanks to any who can help me out. <3

<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""></head>

<div class="beautyisperceptiontablebg">    
  <img src="" alt="" / border="5px" border color="#000000"></div>
  <div class="beautyisperceptiontablepoem" class="scrollbar" id="style-beautyisperception"><font size=3>
<center><br><div class="hrbeautyisperception">TITLE</div></center><br>
    This text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the image</font>

<div class="beautyisperceptiontabletext class="scrollbar" id="style-beautyisperception">
<font size=3>
<br><center><div class="hrbeautyisperception">ASHAMIN<br><font size=4>BEAUTY IS PERCEPTION</font></div></center><br>    
Walking here <div class="beautyspeech"> Talking here </div> This text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the imageThis text is on top of the image</font></div>
<center><a href="">Beauty is Perception by FoxyFireWings</a>

This includes a linked stylesheet. My stylesheet code looks like this, sorry it is a little messy:
div.beautyisperceptiontablebg {position:relative}

div.beautyisperceptiontablepoem {
background: url( repeat;
padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-align: justify;
color: #0A1742;
font-family: "poor richard","Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif}

color:#ffffff; font-size:20pt; letter-spacing:5pt; line-height:7pt; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000;}

color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; letter-spacing:2pt; line-height:5pt; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000;}

    -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);

    width: 1px;


    background-color: #BDD2D9;
    border: 0px solid #555555;

div.beautyisperceptiontabletext {
background: url( repeat;
padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-align: justify;
color: #0A1742;
font-family: "poor richard", "Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", Palatino, serif}

See Ashamin's profile for more information about Lochan, Rakt, and his various items.
All magic and force allowed, barring death and permanent injury.
Do not tag me, please message on skype instead

Messages In This Thread
Help me make my table work outside of Tryit Editor ;-; - by Ashamin - 05-17-2015, 07:25 PM

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