the Rift

[OPEN] home is where your heart is set in stone

Torleik the Bloodskald Posts: 354
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 8.0 | dam: 7.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.3 :: 11 HP: 66.5 | Buff: SWIFT
Irelyn :: Plain Griffin :: Molten Dagger RedGod
What drives us to wander

Konungr Torleik Blóðskáld - such would have been his full title and name, if he'd chosen one, in the language of his people. As it was anyone left from his home would assume him the son of his father, but why would he keep that name? He was a bastard son, never legitimate, and while his father had been good to him in unreliable and intermittent ways, Torleik could not forgive him for the pain he saw his sire caused his mother. Such thoughts drifted through his mind as he gazed out from the cliffs of his new kingdom.

A king.

It was still hard to fathom. From nothing, to a general, to a king in only a few cycles of seasons... His mother would have been proud. A hoot from Irelyn drew him from his mental musings; he'd set her to keep watch over their borders as practice, since the glass wall would be coming down and replaced in various sections with his pike idea. The Bloodskald wanted his companion to memorize the boundaries of her new land, to know what was theirs and what was not, to be his extra set of eyes in the sky.

'Unicorn over wall. Not sure if friendly. You should come,' she summoned, her speech improving with each passing month. Disentangling himself from the lure of the cliffs and the water below, the king made his way to where Irelyn had drawn him, seeing - he believed at first - a mud-flecked Mauja.

No, not Mauja. Not large enough. And no spots. The mud flecks were markings on the coat. But the body was like Mauja's. Intriguing. Ophelia had made remarks that Mauja had many hearts and she should not have expected him to cherish hers. Perhaps this was an indiscretion? Torleik's empathy extended to this creature if she, too, was a bastard child. Such was a rough place, to wonder why your parents did not want you like others' did.

"Hail," his deep voice rumbled, not friendly, but not aggressive. "You are within the borders of the World's Edge, stranger. Do you seek an audience with the new leadership, or are you a wanderer?" he queried. She - the scent confirmed that - could have simply not known the glass wall marked a specific herdland, or perhaps she was here with purpose. Torleik entertained both options and waited patiently for her response.


"talk talk talk"

Credits: Image by Schwartze @ DA
[Image: 531c0b471919e]

No man is an island.
Pixel by: Tamme :D

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RE: home is where your heart is set in stone - by Torleik - 05-19-2015, 03:32 PM

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