the Rift

Aithniel vs Isopia

Isopia the Mountain That Knows Posts: 780
Dragon's Throat Apostle atk: 6.5 | def: 10 | dam: 8.0
Mare :: Tribrid :: 18hh :: 3 - is now aging slowly HP: 90 | Buff: NUMB
Hubris :: Royal Bronze Dragon :: Shock Breath & Frost Breath & Babel :: Royal Gold Dragon :: Fire Breath Odd


Attack 6.5
Defense 9.0
Damage 4.0
HP 73.0


Attack 4.0
Defense 7.5
Damage 7.0
HP 74.5

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

Messages In This Thread
Aithniel vs Isopia - by Isopia - 05-26-2015, 11:33 AM

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