the Rift

[PRIVATE] Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa]

Hawke Posts: 26
Hidden Account
Colt :: Pegasus :: 17.2 :: 1.5 Years || Orangemoon
Hades :: Greater Sooty Owl :: None Tribs


I make skeletons that are able to walk on the wind, so they don't have to eat... eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives.
- Theo Jansen

[Image: 5532f18d61b28]

The skeleton child watches impassively as his elder bends knee and begins to dig... with his wings? Hawke's head tilted at the queer appearance, but it seemed more fruitful than his pitiful pawing, so the little prince's gaze went to his own wings, studying before he rose and mimicked Rhoa's posture, watching his brother with a strange intensity before he began to copy the elder's movements and dig out the sand. Between the pair of them(the owlet helped as well, with his tiny wings), the object was soon unearthed, and Hawke rose, gazing down at it with a veiled curiosity.

Rhoa spoke as the owlet dragged the thing out of it's pit, and one of Hawke's ears remained focus upon his brother, listening as he regarded the bag at the same time. The elder's question was mirrored within the child's own thoughts, and that same flame of inquisitiveness that drove the boy to face his father fearlessly mere minutes after birth also prodded the little prince into shoving his nose into the bag, lips working to open it. There was a strange click around the skull that held it closed, and the bag slid open, surrendering itself to Hawke's invasive muzzle. Something strange brushed the velvety skin of his lips, and a faint frown pulled at Hawke's features as he gripped the multiple objects, drawing them out as he pulled his head back.

Bones clattered together on the sand, their pale surfaces polished to an eerie smoothness, exotic runes etched into the bones with a strange rust color stained into the grooves. Whatever the 'rust' was, it left a dry taste in Hawke's mouth like copper and ash, a mixture he would later learn as 'blood'. Head tilted, and he looked to Rhoa as he offered to put the bag on Hawke. The Prince of Bone's childish nature showed then as Hawke nodded enthusiastically, ears pricked sharp and tail twitching in excitement.

However... an urge came upon him then, and he hesitated, head tilting as he watched Rhoa. A.. knowing of sorts, a sensation within his chest that compelled him to reach forward, lips pulled back, and without any warning to his brother, he tore a hair or two from Rhoa's dark coat. Ignoring any sound of pain or protest, Hawke dropped his head and gently laid the hair within a groove on one of the bones, as if guided by the bones themselves, or whatever pressure was building up within his chest that demanded release.

Hawk took the bones within his mouth, and with a jerk of his neck flung them into the air, his pale blue gaze focused upon Rhoa, those eyes teeming with both childish innocence and a queer intensity.
"Make better." Hawke spoke, infantile voice commanding, and the bones and whatever thing in his chest obeyed. The bones whirled in the air, circling Rhoa before freezing in a circular pattern, ripples of dark, black fire flickering across their pale surfaces before the fire arched up and slid into Rhoa. Magic done, the bones fell to the ground, the hair evaporating with a hiss, and Hawke stumbled, swaying a bit as the stuff left his chest, leaving him hollow and weak-knee'd.

((OOC: hope you don't mind the minor powerplay ^^; if it's not okay, lemme know and I'll change it owo Also, up to you as to what Hawke blessed Rhoa with; intelligence, strength, speed, sight, hearing, ect ect yada yada x'D))


Messages In This Thread
Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Hawke - 04-18-2015, 06:44 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Rhoa - 04-18-2015, 07:30 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Hawke - 04-18-2015, 08:15 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Rhoa - 04-19-2015, 06:54 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Hawke - 04-19-2015, 07:49 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Rhoa - 06-03-2015, 12:23 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Hawke - 06-06-2015, 10:41 PM
RE: Can't Think Of A Title[Rhoa] - by Rhoa - 06-08-2015, 04:31 PM

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