the Rift

[OPEN] memories of our time together

Cirrus Posts: 233
Outcast atk: 6.5 | def: 9.5 | dam: 6
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15.1 :: 8 HP: 69 | Buff: SWIFT

Her question was to be answered by two, it would seem - though Cirrus paid attention to the mare that looked like burning embers first, listening to the comely mare's words with a curious, yet guarded expression upon her façade. This other one was an Outcast, to be certain - Cirrus held no fear nor real opinion of them, having been one for long enough, she could understand the want of company.. She herself was just inept at providing good company, more oft' than not. But the kindly mare seemed friendly enough, and answered the cloudmare's query with ease - Hearth, Cirrus tried to hold the name in her memory, though she did wonder if she would ever see this mare again. So often did she come across random citizens all over Helovia, so often did she only ever meet them once, and never see them again. How many lives had she touched, caressed with her words or eyes, to never hold them in her sights again? Countless, to be sure, and it wasn't something she wanted to think about any further - particularly because there were certain someones she certainly wanted, no, needed, to see again.

A curious smirk creased the corner of Cirrus' dark maw at the moniker this Hearth placed upon her - cloud mare was accurate enough, for there were indeed clouds trawling across her hide, rolling and toiling just as they were doing in the sky above. Along the underside of her barrel was the blurred, random motion of raindrops, moving even as her frame stood perfectly still (aside from her breathing, of course).

Hearth was a handy mare to have, it would seem, as the champagne healer of the Throat arrived in a grumpy huff, Cirrus would have simply stared in sullen silence if not for the sociable mare's easy, smooth words. "I'm Cirrus, your patrol partner…" she addressed her herdmate first, her words attempting to be gentle but probably coming out slightly harsher - Cirrus was never one for tact or tone, too often did she use her body to communicate her intentions, her voice often forgotten or used to bellow our battle cries. "Pleasure to meet you, Hearth," she added, cerulean pools flashing back to the brindled mare with a smile behind them, her ears pressed forward, her posture overall friendly and open. It was an odd sort of meeting, but then, when had Helovia ever offered her anything but odd?

@[Hearth] @[Sikeax]
yay :D
with love, Cirrus
lunarblues & larfsalot @ deviantart
as changing as unforgiving as the wind, as bitter and chilling as the cold, as warm and deadly as the heat

  • I enjoy being tagged.

  • please do not feel pressured into mirroring the length of any of my posts
    I write what I feel at the time
    and hope everyone else does the same c:

    Messages In This Thread
    memories of our time together - by Cirrus - 05-09-2015, 12:01 AM
    RE: memories of our time together - by Hearth - 05-15-2015, 06:13 PM
    RE: memories of our time together - by Cirrus - 05-17-2015, 02:01 AM
    RE: memories of our time together - by Cirrus - 06-09-2015, 06:20 AM
    RE: memories of our time together - by Sikeax - 05-22-2015, 12:47 AM
    RE: memories of our time together - by Hearth - 06-03-2015, 09:24 AM

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