the Rift

[OPEN] four : snows and sorrows

NPC Posts: 298
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Stallion :: Equine :: ::
The Creature
The Creature runs.

His lean, willowy body slithers over the white wasteland, muscled legs thrusting him through the fine powder of snow with aching, weary strides. But still he forces himself forward, ignoring the throb as stringy flesh pushes and pulls beneath a hairy and scaly hide. From a distance, he might be mistaken for a wolf—but a closer examination reveals something much different. In places along his body, his thick winter fur is mingled with the scales of reptiles, his furry tail poised much like that of a snake, complimented by the ophidian eyes that scowl from beneath a heavy brow.

Beneath the ashen wall of blustery Frostfall clouds, the Creature finds himself alone. Alone and running—running away. There is no destination that he seeks save for an escape, a release from the memories that perhaps only exhaustion can give. Gradually as he crosses the arctic tundra, the Creature feels his muscles become heavy, weighing against his bones, numbing the images and horrors that are burned in his mind’s eye.

The infection.



So he pushes himself faster, faster, faster. Days-old wounds, still gaping and raw, leak their thick, grisly liquid—his beating heart pumping it from his veins until it mats fur to scale, dripping slowly down his legs and staining each paw print with its bloody smear.

Growling a hiss, the Creature lunges forward even harder, labored breaths curling in white wisps across his face. As reckless as he pushes himself, fatigued muscles fail him at last. Stumbling, he falls roughly forward, a wave of snow—pushed by the force of his wiry body—flying headlong into the white wilderness. He lays still for several moments, the wind tousling his fur and biting at his raw flesh like a vulture to putrid meat. Through the glare of half-lidded eyes, he sees a shadow break away from the clump of trees not far away—movement, approaching. The Creature stirs, lifting his head and flicking his long tail, hissing a snarl of warning at the stranger.

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notes; Sorry for the delay!
tag; @[Cirrus]
I’ll get under your skin
Image Credit

Messages In This Thread
four : snows and sorrows - by Cirrus - 06-07-2015, 11:59 PM
RE: four : snows and sorrows - by NPC - 06-09-2015, 05:23 PM
RE: four : snows and sorrows - by Official - 12-20-2015, 10:21 PM
RE: four : snows and sorrows - by Cirrus - 12-23-2015, 12:18 AM

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