the Rift

[PRIVATE] Hot rocks and cool thoughts

Isopia the Mountain That Knows Posts: 780
Dragon's Throat Apostle atk: 6.5 | def: 10 | dam: 8.0
Mare :: Tribrid :: 18hh :: 3 - is now aging slowly HP: 90 | Buff: NUMB
Hubris :: Royal Bronze Dragon :: Shock Breath & Frost Breath & Babel :: Royal Gold Dragon :: Fire Breath Odd

The deep-down part of her, the red, pulsing, hot demanding, needy part of her relents into something else, as the brisk exercise of moving along the trail stimulates other parts of her body and muscles. It flows gently, not gone but diluted, like water bubbling up through the earth, into the only-slightly hidden parts of her mind. There if festers and changes, blossoming into something different. Something her mind will accept. Something like trust. As Volterra stands next to her, his ruby gaze surveying her land and her work, she takes a breath. It is calm, and she feels ... okay with him standing beside her. She doesn't feel agitated or annoyed as she usually does in the presence of others. But moreso and perhaps more importantly, she feels like she can be herself. Gone are the feelings of needing to cloak her oddness, for Volterra has already witnessed her oddities on multiple occasions, and still he is here. His earlier words, Have I ever let you down before? suddenly ring in her mind, now sounding not like a reiteration of the past, but a promise of the future. She knows the reasoning is just as fallacious, and yet the tender buds of friendship and the approval she feels of his company that have blossomed from her swell of passion have managed to distance her from the contempt she normally feels towards poor reasoning. She's suddenly more okay with it - more okay with him.

It's lovely

She nods, her golden eyes glinting ever so slightly with pride. Hubris isn't an emotion that she feels often, but given that it was both her sweat as well as magic that watered this glade, she is happy to accept some of the praise for herself.

The insecurity which had previously risen in her throat, the naive and pathetic desire to find a way to straight up avoid asking for his help completely disappears. To be replaced with--

I'll do it for you

--something like dizziness. Was it suddenly warm? Was this heat stroke? Was this--

for you

--had he emphasized the you? Or was it the pounding in her ears which made her think that he did? The rest of his words slowly blur together, although part of her mind knows that he's currently saying something about how he knows he's up to the task...or something like that. She isn't sure (did he emphasize it?), but she knows she needs to refocus. "I-" How large? She had originally assumed that it would just be for her. This glade was just for her afterall, and she didn't want anyone just lingering around (or maybe not just anyone; but certain someones?). But now? Maybe big enough for two? (which two?) But perhaps that would be obvious? Obvious how part of her mind seemed to snap, as if part of her was entirely unimpressed that this mental conversation was even taking place. Volterra had no reason to even think that should she want it two equines large, that he would fill that other slot. Perhaps Iso would have a companion one day, or ... you know, perhaps a bear might want to relax its tired muscles. The point is (her mind seemed to say), there was no reason he should even be thinking it.

No reason for her to be thinking it either.

But she was.

I'll do it for you

"Large enough to fit two - comfortably of course." She said after a moment, licking her lips and tossing her head just gently enough to send a few wisps of mane into the air. They landed in awkward loops on her horns, but of course Isopia didn't notice. She was instead trying to pretend that her prolonged silence was merely one of consideration.

Briskly she stepped forward to roughly where she wanted the hot-water pit to go. She had already (and back-breakingly) gathered a number of rocks to go into it to help line the bottom. That way it wouldn't merely be a pit of warm mud. She strode to a few feet in front of her hut, and then backed up several paces. Looking around as if to judge the composition with regards to the rest of the glade, she nodded.

"Here?" She announced, though the upwards lilt at the end of her word indicated she was looking for input. From him. "And I was thinking you'd work .. and I'd watch. You're the one with the magic after all." Her death-marked facade turned upwards in a smile - it was the closest thing to a joke Isopia could manage. Of course she wasn't going to just watch (for fear of the deep-down part of her getting any ideas). She was going to work on the rest of the foundation. Frostfall was seemingly only hours away - she needed a place to hide from the snow.

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Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

Messages In This Thread
Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 06-02-2015, 12:11 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Volterra - 06-04-2015, 05:54 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 06-08-2015, 03:31 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Volterra - 06-12-2015, 04:23 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 06-14-2015, 01:23 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 06-14-2015, 06:08 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 06-21-2015, 12:59 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 07-15-2015, 04:58 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Volterra - 07-18-2015, 05:41 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 08-11-2015, 03:13 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Volterra - 08-15-2015, 05:08 PM
RE: Hot rocks and cool thoughts - by Isopia - 08-22-2015, 04:53 PM

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