the Rift

[OPEN] New vs Old [Challenge Watching Thread]

Megaera the Sunspear Posts: 306
Absent Abyss atk: 6.5 | def: 10.5 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15 h :: 8 [Birdsong] HP: 70 | Buff: NOVICE
Gwaihir :: Golden Eagle :: None Laine
A kiss with a fist is better than none

The Sultana heard the wolf’s howl as it reached across the sands and immediately made a bee-line for the source of such a foreign sound. As her wings carried her through the chilled air, more sounds followed, shouts, muffled words, a snarl and finally the clamor of a miniature battle. A challenge. She wouldn’t have thought that this was how spies would go about doing things, but then she was so solidly a warrior that nothing spies did made much sense to her.

The clash had started by the time Megaera touched down at the oceanside venue. She was quick to recognize Bucephalus but the mare and her wolf were a mystery. It would have been her first instinct to rush in and fight along side a member of her her, but already a small group had gathered to witness and so the Sultana moved toward them. Strength, as Gaucho said was necessary, and if Bucephalus had accepted this challenge than she would not interfere.

As with almost every gathering in Dragon’s Throat, there seemed to be a thrumming chord of tension strung between the Sultan and the Gladiator. It never ceased to baffle Meg how those two seemed to coexist in the same herd while always at odds with one another; she could have had an easier time counting the stars in the sky than trying to guess at whatever history they had together. Meg would have stopped and settled next to Ampere if she hadn’t caught sight of Morrigan. Despite trying to keep a straight face, the webbed mare looked unsettled, and Meg guessed that anyone who worked at healing would be rather distressed to sit and watch other deliberately open themselves to injury. Deciding her need was greater, the Sunspear passed Ampere with a comradely salute and moved to stand next to Morrigan.

“I wouldn’t worry yourself too much, they both know what they signed up for.” Her quiet tone sounded rather solemn for the Sultana, but as much as she had wanted to assure the mare, she had no way of knowing just how far this challenger was willing to go. Her gaze fixed itself on the dueling pair with rapt attention and she settled herself into see who would emerge victorious.

be brave and endure
:: permission given for use of magic and force :: please tag Megaera in all posts ::

Messages In This Thread
RE: New vs Old [Challenge Watching Thread] - by Megaera - 07-22-2015, 12:09 AM

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