the Rift

[OPEN] silence can be deafening [Enna]

Enna Posts: 172
Aurora Basin Time Mender atk: 6 | def: 9.5 | dam: 4
Mare :: Unicorn :: 14.1 :: 5 ( TALLSUN ) HP: 61 | Buff: NOVICE
Mehr :: Arctic Wolf :: None kels

His shape against the tree is one that stands out against the sea of white, most life dormant beneath the earth, sleeping within the hollows of trees, spending their days hiding in caves. Even you are guilty of the last one, the comfort of the little Healer’s crevice within your home undeniable. Tending and sorting the already sorted herbs had given you reason to be recluse, your thoughts holding you hostage even further. The boy that you had come to know in that singular dream has left a resounding impact on you; your heart in knots, stomach in a whirl, all over him. You had spent too long simply daydreaming, wasting away the (admittedly bitterly cold) days cooped up by yourself. The only soul you would have confided in seemed to have disappeared, you assume busy with her own tasks of patrolling and sparring, things befitting a warrior such as herself. Nonetheless you had found yourself growing slightly bitter over it, feeling abandoned in a time when you needed her. A part of you, however small, wants to indulge the adolescent woman within you, talking of crushes and boys and swooning and hating and gossiping, things that had never interested you in the slightest, rather, didn’t even exist in your world, suddenly becoming more important.

And, despite all of this, she had left you. Instead of letting it brew into something hateful when it couldn’t really be helped, you decided to explore. Things that you had already seen, true, but hopeful as ever you had been determined to find something new. And this man pressed against the roughness of a singular tree had been the first soul that you had seen. You pause a respectable distance from the young man’s side, baby-fine hair falling in waterfalls against your slender shoulders, framing your feminine face as you turn to look at him. He is handsome, to say the least; the lines of his body young and supple, the cream color of his skin and hair altogether pleasing. They are shallow notes, observations that you tuck quickly away, shifting on your tiny feet as if uncomfortable in the fact that you would even notice something like that.  Nothing had prepared you for the eventuality of maturing, of finding the opposite sex attractive; until recently you had thought of them as repulsive, and there had been no reason for you to even consider that having a possibility to change. But it had, and despite your reservations, there is nothing that you can do about it.

Nothing to distract you from the hormones that had started raging in your body, and most disappointingly, nothing to control the thoughts and judgements like the ones that you had made about him from running rampant. So, more than a little exasperated, you sigh quietly to yourself, steadying your heartbeat, trying to ignore the anxiousness within each stroke of each beat, your lips pursing to form a single word: “Hey.” It is simple, laced with all the pleasantries and good manners that you have known forever but somehow never manage to say, your smile easy (if not a little sheepish, one of the side-effects of caring about what boys think) as mismatched eyes examine his face before locking with the vibrant green of his. This surely beats sitting by yourself wallowing in pity.

sorry for the wait and this crapshow of a post bb
i promise they'll get better ;-;

please tag enna in every post
violence permitted barring permanent injury / death

Messages In This Thread
silence can be deafening [Enna] - by Cerin - 08-10-2015, 03:51 PM
RE: silence can be deafening [Enna] - by Enna - 08-17-2015, 10:59 PM

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