the Rift

Gashad :: Chan

Blu the Bootyful Posts: 443
Administrator atk: 99 | def: 99 | dam: 99
Mare :: Other :: 5'7" :: 25 HP: 99999 | Buff: TWERK

::[ Dark x Light | Chest cavity/eye sockets fill with swirling shadow and a pulsating blue glow that induces intense fear]
Restriction: Fear immobilizes an opponent for 30 seconds.]

::[Dark | Able to conjure shadow coils that function as hands]
Restriction: Lasts 30 seconds in battle.]
::[Dark (U) | Extended reach ]
Restriction: Lasts 60 seconds in battle.]

::[Item: Mutation | Extra magic ]

::[Item: Custom Item | Armor ]

::[Medium Item: Headpiece | An elaborate headpiece of silver with deer horns and peacock feathers ]


::[ Dark x Light (U) | Able to induce such fear that the target becomes paralyzed, unable to move or speak ]
Immobilized should already be a basic effect. You can make the immobiliation worse, like choking or some such, extend the time it lasts, or extend how many are affected at once (currently one, can increase to 3 at once if they look at him dealio).
 HP: 1100

Helovia Hard Mode

Messages In This Thread
Gashad :: Chan - by Gashad - 08-10-2015, 12:13 AM
RE: Gashad :: Chan - by Blu - 08-18-2015, 12:36 AM
RE: Gashad :: Chan - by Gashad - 08-20-2015, 06:52 PM
RE: Gashad :: Chan - by Blu - 08-21-2015, 10:21 PM

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