the Rift

The WHATCH :: the help you need if you've been thieved!

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu
OKAY I fixed it so now it's not broken ;-; but could not save our original thread.

Please PM me or any other whatch members if you'd like to be recruited!!! Remember we are not anti-violence ;D we just stick up for the little guys, and often use violence to do so! It's also fine if you have a companion, just don't lot Ampere know if you fight with it or else death.


Your friendly neighborhood whatcher would be happy to help get it back for you! Although exact identities of the whatchers are not known, IC gossip would allow your character to know the Whatch exists and as whatchers are always watching, just call for them and they're bound to appear.

Among anti-theft our whatchers are also talented at helping free prisoners, annoy you during egg drops, and search for missing characters! PLUS SO MUCH MORE, CALL TODAY!

Tag me only if starting a new thread.
Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The WHATCH - by Ampere - 08-29-2015, 12:02 AM

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