the Rift

Chimera Plots!

Evaneska Posts: N/A
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mare - 4 years - pegasus - rift horse/unclaimed - no mate

a porcelain doll groomed into a sacrificial lamb. saved to be naught but a prisoner, alone to wander in a cell masquerading as a wonderland. cast aside when asked for companionship and to see more of the world: down, down into hell. loyal servant to a captain of the underground whom surprised with compassion. torn apart by a revolution in the underworld of urd, carried away by those desperately trying to flee from the carnage.

friends. a jaded melancholy. aloof and pessimistic make it devilishly hard to obtain the precious companionship of friends. few would wish to waste precious time on a broken shell that is far from redemption. but that doesn't mean friendship is unattainable. even if she might not seem warm and fuzzy, the company is greatly appreciated. however she is completely unaware of what is considered a friend and what is not. a positive force to fight away her dark cloud is gravely needed.

enemies. there are those in the world who will gladly use you - stomp on you like a rug before throwing you out. evaneska is not a mare who fights back or rarely stands up for herself. she won't lunge or physically attack which makes her easy prey for the vultures who circle her. use her, abuse her, break her.

lovers. intimacy at its finest and worst. the concept of love has alluded evaneska for quite sometime. she feels respect and gratitude, but that is hardly considered to be true love. maybe one day she be swept off of her feet and her heart stolen away, placing it in the hands of another who could break it more or tape it up. buckle up for a surely long and bumpy ride.

herd. if more than one approaches her with warm invitations she will look much like a deer in headlights. how does she pick one while still showing appreciation to the others? a hard but necessary step towards growth.

miscellaneous. shared history, betrayal, character development.. the list goes on and on. i adore plotting and experiencing new things with my characters. ninety-nine percent of the time i will gladly go along with anything you suggestion! whether torture or healing i love it all~ so throw up any ideas you may get.

as evaneska is awaiting the halcyon flats to open before she's dropped into this world i cannot roleplay her at this very second. however i'd love to have plots and what not for her <3

mare - 5 years - unicorn - threshold - no mate - profile

opening information blurb goes here.

friends. stuff

enemies. more stuff

lovers. flings, flirts, stuff.

miscellaneous. nuray is currently a mystery to me. i have yet to truly grasp her character so please bear with me ^^" she's open to any sort of plots <3 (as you can see her little section is very incomplete oops lol)

*plots are subject to vary based on how my characters reacts to them/the situations in roleplay. i like actually posting to form bonds instead of plotting them out immediately ^^"

Messages In This Thread
Chimera Plots! - by Evaneska - 08-31-2015, 02:03 AM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Tandavi - 08-31-2015, 03:26 PM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Evaneska - 08-31-2015, 03:47 PM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Persephone - 08-31-2015, 04:25 PM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Kalona - 09-13-2015, 09:15 PM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Mortuus Nox - 09-13-2015, 09:19 PM
RE: Chimera Plots! - by Evaneska - 09-14-2015, 06:23 AM

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