the Rift

[OPEN] Bites, Shocks, damn...

Zünden Posts: 75
Aurora Basin Soldier atk: 4.5 | def: 8.5 | dam: 6.5
Mare :: Hybrid :: 15.3 :: Four [Birdsong] HP: 64 | Buff: NOVICE
She stood poised to smash the amulet bracing herself for the pain she was sure to come. How did lightning feel? She wondered if the clouds flinched when light crackled between them. Maybe that was why there was thunder; clouds screaming their pain. She closed her eyes for a moment ready to strike when a voice called out. Ears flicked back to catch the greeting but her head remained aimed forward. There was no fear in the girl, maybe that would get her killed one day, but she didn't care. Fear was not something she would allow herself to show, much less feel. Of course that couldn't be true, she would feel fear, one day. Fear for herself, her brother, or a babe she would one day birth. That was in the future though, this was now. Her muzzle quivered nostrils dilating allowing her to know it was a stallion. He smelt strong, well cared for, and of water. Was he from her mother's herd? It didn't matter, she didn't care.

Finally he strode into her line of sight. The wings caught her attention causing her green and gold eyes to narrow slightly. There was no need to be hasty though. He gazed at her dark grey face and her bright eyes tried to catch his as he spoke. She wanted to know what he thought would be in it for him. She watched him carefully as he questioned her leg, then offered to help. Zunden wasn't much for help, but if she didn't seek it soon, she feared the worst. Even the young mare could feel it getting worse, could smell the infection. Instead of her usual sharp voice she softened it so it was almost friendly, almost. "I'll accept your offer, but first I must smash this amulet. You might want to step back so you don't get zapped to." A wicked thought of cracking it with him so near fizzled through her dark brain. Sure the look on his handsome face would be funny, but he might not be so willing to help her if she zapped him for no reason.

She waited a few moments for him to either back away or stay there, either way didn't matter to her. Eyes closed as she threw her foot down. A sharp crack sent a wave of nauseating pain rushing through her. Her body stiffened all at once, causing ever single muscle to spasm all at once. Teeth slammed shut with an audible click, as her bright eyes flew open. A yelp of pain whistled through her muzzle. As soon as it started it all stopped. Her dual horned head dropped as she panted her body quaking all of her muzzles throbbing. After a few gasping breaths the girl raised her eyes back to the much taller golden painted stallion. Her eyes pleaded for him to help her now.
Words;; 481
Tags|OOC;; @Miykael
The soul that lives within my chest
Just won't allow me to turn out like the rest
image credits
Superiority is my reason
Anger is my fuel
Blood is the cost
Victory is my prize
[Image: zunden_by_poolpaw-d8dwmp0.png]
Her horn isn't broken

Messages In This Thread
Bites, Shocks, damn... - by Zünden - 08-17-2015, 05:12 PM
RE: Bites, Shocks, damn... - by Miykael - 08-23-2015, 12:05 AM
RE: Bites, Shocks, damn... - by Zünden - 09-05-2015, 01:09 AM
RE: Bites, Shocks, damn... - by Miykael - 09-10-2015, 11:32 PM

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