the Rift

SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II)

Mortuus Nox Posts: 187
Aurora Basin Time Mender atk: 3.5 | def: 10 | dam: 7
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.2 :: Immortal HP: 66.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Mortuus Nox
Your fears have just become all too real
He looked behind him to see that the little white filly was safe from harm thank the gods for that, But as he felt his thick horns rip and tear at the wolves flesh he could feel his own burning. The acid poured across his own body as he slipped out from under the heavy wolf just before it falls to the ground. His body burned and boiled opening up his onyx skin to reveal blood and the tissues under the soft black coat. He ignored the pain and trudged on, he would not let this get to him. No he would never let this shoot him down and he would never crash and burn. His heavy ebony body trudged away to see someone that was in worse condition than his own. She was a gray mare that was blinded, but still trying to attack. He trotted over the the mare that was rearing up and attempted to help or protect this mare in any way he could. A mini shadow wolf ran up to the demonic stag and tried to bite at his legs he reared up crashing down o the beast and then he looked back to the mare " I got your back, i am right here . I know you do not know me but at this point i am here to help you if you need it."  He turned around and bucked at another wolf that was trying to attack the stag. His skin burned as the acid burned into his soft hide, he let a small grunt out, but quickly pulled it back together. Nox watched as the white tiger was attacking other wolves surrounding the mare. He figured that the tiger could help his other out, but whats a little extra help. Nox let his gray gaze meet the many others on the field as the burns sent shocks of pain through his body dropping him to his knees for a brief moment. He stood back up pinning his ears in anger snapping at any wolf trying to come close to the mare and himself. What was he going to do with shock waves of pain radiating through his body like this....  

He looked up at the moon goddess she was not backing down one little bit and he grew from the inspiration watching the others run past him. His eyes were filled with nothing, they showed no emotion or pain from the fight. He was like a stone from the years of battles then he heard a voice cry out from the crowed. It was Tiamat she was trying to stop the madness, but she was unsuccessful with her efforts. He watched as the blue mare ran to gather herbs to heal anyone who was burned or struck by the beast. He smiled softly thinking of her, but then snapped back to reality. He was in the fight and now was not the time to zoom out. He tilted his large crown to the side stabbing any wolf that tried to attack his sides. His eyes kept gazing from the gray mare to the blue mare. He knew what he was doing was right, but it was upsetting one of the mares he actually cared for. He stood trapped on what to do, his mind told him one thing.. His heart told him another. He shook his head rearing up snapping at any horse that was trying to attack the goddess. As he landed back on his feet the acid cracked his skin sending him down on his knees again. He whipped his skull around trying to impale any creature that was trying to attack him as he attempted to stand up again.

Image Credits!

Team Goddess

Nox gets burned badly by the acid ,but he continued on to try to help @Nyx any way possible after he sees that something was clearly wrong. The pain of the acid strikes him down to his knees for a brief moment as he grunts in pain. He quickly gets back up aggravated snapping and attacking any wolf coming close to him. He sees @Tiamat upse about the fighting and stops for a moment to think before the wolves attack again. He then rears up trying to protect the goddess as much as he could before crashing down on his knees in severe pain from the burns.

Please tag Mortuus Nox in all posts
magic & permanent injury is permitted excluding death.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - by Nuray - 09-08-2015, 09:10 AM
RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - by Nyx - 09-08-2015, 08:56 AM
RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - by Mortuus Nox - 09-08-2015, 10:05 PM
RE: SWP :: What's mine is mine (Part II) - by Tatiana - 09-11-2015, 01:17 AM

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