the Rift

white snow as red as strawberries [open]

Galiel Posts: 22
Hidden Account
Filly :: Pegasus :: 16.0 :: 1

Curious blue eyes watched my company carefully after I spoke. I had no idea as to who or what destroyed my home and stole my family from me and even though I was sure I was far far…far away from there, I didn’t know these people. For all I knew either one of them – or both of them – could have done it. Or taken part in it. If any one of them did I had to be ready to run. I had to be ready to get away. I had to…


My head cocked to the side as I took notice of the darker filly’s reaction to my words. She…she hid. She hid behind the stallion. Quickly, my head turned to look away from them as I tried to think and understand what just happened. Did I really come off that tough or fierce? Was I really that intimidating? What exactly did I do to frighten her?

As I kept thinking my focus shifted towards the ground and my “tough” body language seemed to just disappear. Only when the other girl and her furry shadow peeked out from behind the stallion did I avert my gaze from the ground and to them but the other girl didn’t dare to make eye contact. What was wrong with her? What did I do?

I looked to the stallion, but to my bewilderment he seemed to wear a similar expression as the filly, if only for a second before his face turned into something else and his eyes narrowed. My ears turned backwards out of fear as he seemed to get ready to speak. This was it was what I thought. He was going to let me have it. I imagined him yelling at me, coming at me with hurtful words. So I looked back down and waited for whatever was to be thrown at me.

To make sure you’re alright,

What? With eyes wide, my head snapped back up to look at the stallion. Did he really just say what I think he said? I had to be dreaming. Geez, I was so exhausted that I was starting to hear things that I wanted to hear.

To make sure you have somewhere safe to go. To help you.

A cold chill ran through my body as he said the last bit. Now that time I knew I wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating. He was actually saying these things. I looked back at the ground as the expression on my face changed from surprise to somber.

“Oh,” it was all was able to utter as my stomach turned in knots and my mind spun. All they wanted to do was help me and all I had managed to do was attempt to push them away. What…what was wrong with me?

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled out with rolled r’s, “I didn’t mean to – “

Trying to apologize to them both, I looked up to the stallion and then over to the filly. But when I looked at her this time I noticed something different. Something not right. Then I noticed the spots on her and him. They were sick with something! A soft ah escaped me as I took a few stumbling steps backwards. The filly didn’t have them earlier did she? And if she didn’t then she probably got it from the stallion. Whatever it was they could keep it, I didn’t want any sickness.

“Vat is wrong vith you guys?” My voice shook as I asked them about their ailments. But eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I found myself observing and inspecting whatever it was they had, albeit from a decent distance away so not to catch their sickness myself.

“Vat you have anyvays? Vat is it called?”


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@Areli @Mauja

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RE: white snow as red as strawberries [open] - by Galiel - 10-02-2015, 12:02 AM

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