the Rift

[OPEN] Poetry & Fuel

Iona Posts: 100
World's Edge Specter atk: 7.5 | def: 11 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16hh :: 11 (birdsong) HP: 69 | Buff: NOVICE
Iver :: Osprey :: None Kiki

"It can turn the whole world upside down, shake it 'til the sky falls to the ground. 
We don't have to reap the fear they sow, friends, as long as we hide our love away, 
In the good they'll never know."

Iona wasn’t sure what she had been expecting to find when she followed Aly out to these islands, but all that unfolded was certainly beyond her imagination.  Things had quieted now, and Iona felt the overwhelming pressure in her chest relent now that she knew that Alysanne and little Naerys were safe. 
Iona didn’t have a full grip on the situation though – she didn’t have the whys and the hows figured out.  She was still too new to this place.  Maybe Alysanne would have a better idea. However, she certainly didn’t.  Following the battle, she had decided to stick around the islands for a few days before returning home to the Edge.  She imagined having some idea about the islands, what lived here, their layout, and the like would be befeficial to say the very least.
The painted pegasus continued to survey the island from above now that things seemed more secure.  At least she hoped things were more secure.  She wasn’t sure she could take another round of, well, whatever that had been.  She flew lazily, her green eyes flickering across the strange landscape below.  Iona had never frequented the tropics, so she figured there was no time like the present.  The mare caught movement out of the corner of her eye, a shape slipping beneath the branches. Intrigued, she circled around, and the form of an equine materialized below.  Shifting her wings, Iona angled towards the ground.  When her feet found the spongy earth below, Iona made her way over to the figure.
As she grew closer, she realized she recognized the mare as one of those that had stepped through the portal that had started the whole battle.  Iona kept her defenses up, but still dipped her head in greeting.  Those that had come through the portal had fought against the tiger as well.  She imagined there was quite the story that she knew very little about.  While reserving judgment was not one of her strengths, she did her best.  “You came through that portal, right?” Iona asked, though she knew the answer.  What a way to break the ice, Iona. It was then that she noticed the wounds on the woman’s back.  Iona had been lucky and had walked away from the battle with no injuries, it was clear this mare hadn’t been as fortunate.  “Are you okay?  Do you need a healer?  My sister’s a healer, I’m sure I could find her for you,”  Iona rambled, hurriedly. She took a deep breath and shook her head.  “Sorry.  I’m Iona.  I’m from the World’s Edge.  My sister Alysanne is a healer – she’s on the island too,”  she managed, more calmly this time.
“Where did you come from?” she asked, before realizing it was probably rude and adding, “If you don’t mind me asking.”


image credits 

Awkward Iona is Awkward. 
@Dacianna @Alysanne

Please tag IONA in all posts.
Force and magic permitted, but please check before inflicting serious injury.
image credit 

Messages In This Thread
Poetry & Fuel - by Dacianna - 10-29-2015, 07:22 AM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Iona - 11-03-2015, 04:40 PM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Alysanne - 11-10-2015, 08:31 PM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Dacianna - 11-12-2015, 06:55 AM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Iona - 11-17-2015, 12:07 AM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Alysanne - 11-23-2015, 08:26 PM
RE: Poetry & Fuel - by Dacianna - 12-20-2015, 03:39 AM

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