the Rift

[OPEN] Caught or Not?

Leeka Posts: N/A
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L e e k a

Leeka managed to her credit to remain calm when another voice answered her own in the distance, the dim light diffusing almost luminously off the pale body of the stranger as she drew nearer.  It was something of a comfort, an edge, she felt, that the other mare seemed in her own way just as surprised as she was and her greeting had not been unkind or threatening in any way that she might have feared. The brief moment of fear that she had been discovered possibly by Ktulu passed as suddenly as it came for it was obvious that whoever this was was not the fierce Captain of the Edge. And why would it be? She, along with the rest of the herd she knew was in the Hidden Falls. It was only out of habit that she had forgotten that detail.

Absently Leeka wondered who now held that position and what the title might even be called these days given the new management. Leeka only gave it as much thought as she did because she at one time had considered joining into the warrior ranks but was wholly unprepared to dare voice her aspirations to the stark Captain. She still felt regret for that, for not being brave enough to pursue the career despite that the idea itself now was laughable given her current state of mind. It left her wondering if she had been tutored then and learned to fight, would she be the pathetic meek creature she thought herself as now? Would she have had purpose? Would it have been better to be blind and charge forward through the chaos for King and Queen rather then dwell on morals and politics?

Can't find that out now, can I?

The thoughts swirled in Leeka's head, making for the briefest of silences before she in turn regarded the questions asked by Calista. " I am, but its easy to miss people in a herd this large. Can't say I've seen you around either." She spoke almost matter-of-fact but with an inviting tone. Rather then cooking up a complete lie Leeka gave what she considered an evasive truth.   She didn't feel like flat out saying that she was an outcast when she didn't have too, nor she did feel like giving up the chance of possibly making a clean get away by playing with a small deception. In any case, this was a unique opportunity, a challenge of a sort. It'd be interesting to see if she could actually pull it off despite how her better reason was practically screaming at her for playing with fire, so to speak. The prospect was...exciting.

 Besides, Calista hadn't specifically asked who she was and what she was doing here, nor did she seem on the defensive, and she wasn't being dishonest.  Leeka was from this area and genuinely believed it was hard to get to know everyone in a herd beyond acquaintanceship and she hadn't seen Calista around before she had left the Edge not too long before. It encouraged her some as well that Calista seemed to be quite open and friendly for the moment,  so where truly was the harm? Why was now any different then strangers meeting for the first time?

Oh, there are a few major differences but your ignoring them all for the convenience of playing a little game.She thought vehemently to herself. Because, why not? What have you to go back to in its stead? The Wilds. Oh yes. What a pleasure to wander  aimlessly in the  lost world with only your own sullen mind for company. How pleasant indeed.

What makes this so fantastic is that, regardless if this fails or succeeds, it'll be more of a reputation then you ever had hiding in the shadows because for once your mad enough to actually try something against your better reason.
Congratulations, this is character development, your conscious is almost proud of you. See this to the end and we'll have something to talk about. Good. Luck.

" I'm Leeka, by the way." She said after a moment, giving a slight and neat dip of her head in greeting. " I don't often meet others so late in the forest. Are you fond of night walks too? I find them hard to resist myself, the urge of exploration is difficult to defeat once given attention to." The conversation came to her as easily as though it were under normal circumstances, part of it prodded on by her self titled game and the other by the genuine opportunity to actually talk to someone for once. It was hard to ignore the fact that she was woefully out of practice though with socializing and hoped she didn't come off as awkward. Hopefully things wouldn't sour from here on out but that was up to chance and fate she supposed. Try as she might it was impossible not to put faith in Calista's friendliness and hope for things to work out, maybe even make a friend. Not even the Gods knew how long she'd been without one of those.


Image Credits
- table by Niki -


Messages In This Thread
Caught or Not? - by Leeka - 10-28-2015, 09:05 PM
RE: Caught or Not? - by Calista - 11-01-2015, 02:10 AM
RE: Caught or Not? - by Leeka - 11-04-2015, 10:18 PM
RE: Caught or Not? - by Calista - 11-25-2015, 04:48 PM

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