the Rift

[OPEN] little do you know i'm still haunted by the memories

Shida Posts: 109
Deceased atk: 3.5 | def: 7 | dam: 6
Filly :: Unicorn :: 16 :: 3 (ages in Birdsong) HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Princess :: Common Hellhound :: Hellfire Odd
Blue-tits makes us (the warriors) know all the bitches who live here.

And let me tell you.

There ain't no snowflake encrusted ... blue ... streaked ... zephyr ... following..

holyshit. the pieces are coming together. My ears are fucking ringing and I think i'm going to fucking keel over here. Everything feels cold. Where the fuck did my feet go---why is that ringing so loud


"Ma?!" Suddenly my voice squeaks and I fucking sound like a toddler, but wtf else are you supposed to do when your Ma just like ... fucking glides into your home, when you basically thought she was dead.



Step one, have you been alive this whole time? Not like .. fucking kidnapped or murdered or whatever the fuck happened to Da? And where the shit is Auri? That bitch has some explaining to and so do you and-

I realize I'm not actually making any noise. I'm just fucking standing here, staring at my Ma, who has just fucking materialized out of the goddam night sky. At my heels, Princess whines. His tail wags, but it only does so beneath his hind-legs. In a normal situation I would tell him to stop being such a fucking coward but this ain't no normal situation, but I can't even do that because I can feel snot dripping down my nose as my eyes start to water and HOLY HELL AM I CRYING.

I roughly thrust my nose towards my shoulder, smearing tears and snot on my coat before looking back.

"I'm on duty so-" fuck fuck fuck what do I even say. "So that's why I'm here and-" A+ idiot. "Why.. are .." KEEP IT THE FUCK TOGETHER YOU PIECE OF SHIT DON'T YOU DARE- "you?" my lip trembles despite the increased volume of my inner monologue. The word you warbles out of my mouth like some fucking fragile childhood toy I'm offering to a giant who is just going to smash it.

Fuck ma. y u do dis.


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RE: little do you know i'm still haunted by the memories - by Shida - 11-14-2015, 09:45 PM

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